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In office

Khushi directly came and started walking towards arnav's office seeing her going receptionist run and block her way

One second mam where are you going ??

I wanna meet arnav Singh raizada.  She ask sternly to receptionist controlling her inner feelings

Do you have an appointment Madam

I don't need appointments to meet him 

You do need miss.  Boss doesn't meet anyone without appointment

Oh really but I guess he want other people to book appointment not his wife

What ... wife she raise he brow looking at her.

Will you excuse me I need to meet my husband  saying this she directly went in his office without paying head to receptionist who was yelling behind her to stop.

Khushi arnav got shocked seeing her standing in the door. He immediately left whatever he was doing and goes towards her. As he  came near her ,her eyes filled with tears and she chugged him. Seeing her  vulnerable state arnav wrapped his arms   Around her snd closed the door  on the face of receptionist who understood she wasn't lying and left from there

What's wrong baby.  What you doing here at this time. He says stroking her hair softly  soothing her.

He came there. He  ...he insulted me infront of every one. She hiccups complaining him like a child  making him confused

Come here. Come he side hug her and take her towards the couch he made her set there and took seat besides her holding her palm.

Now tell me what's wrong. Who the bell insulted you.  Khushi wipe her tears and sniffs

Sahir. He was there and when he saw me he took opportunity and  insulted me.  He said I'm with you because of money and he called me many things which he shouldn't had. 

Whattttt his anger reached on peak  after hearing her and he got up gritting his teeth

How dare he said to you all this ha how the hell he got guts to say this.  

He did it but I didn't leave him as well. I gave him answer and then left that job she sobs fidgeting with  her finger while crying

I won't leave him. I won't leave that bastard. He fuckin has to pay for it  for insulting my wife like .  Come let's go he held her hand and started dragging her with him. Seeing their boss In anger all got silent and bow their heads down without looking  at him as they know if they did then surely it will be their last day In job.

Come let's go he made her sit in the car tying the seat belt securing her  and move towards his side. In none seconds he put car in the gear and drove away from there in fast speed.   

In sahir house

He is doing lunch when suddenly arnav barge inside howling like a lion. 

Where the hell are you sahir. Where you are hiding bastard he screams on top of the voice  looking around In search of him

What you doing here arnav Singh raizada. As his face came in his sight arnav stormed towards him and punch on his face making him fell on the floor. Before he recover from the punch he bounce at him snd started showering  slaps and    Kicks on him

I had told you to stay away from my wife then how dare you to insult her infront of loads of people. She is my wife not a road side woman whom you would insult and she won't say anything. She is  my better half   She has me.  I'm  behind her. how On earth you didn't think before yelling at her like this.   You son of bitchh.  He raise his hand to smack him but he didn't let him and pushed him away  punching him

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