Leaf 20

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Hearing hate word from her mouth broke his heart in many pieces.  He can't believe his khushi his love of life hates him and don't wanna stay with him. The way she reacted after knowing he brought her here made his heart churn in pain. He thought that she will be easy task. With few sweet lines she will get happy and will come into his arms but it happened opposite. Here she doesn't want to stay with him and wanna leave him as soon as possible.    Tears started trickling from his eyes looking at her.   He try to hold her but she is just wriggling to come out from his arms

I'm sorry im sorry please khushi don't say that you wanna leave please khushi.  He sobs gripping her tight around her waist but instead of stopping, her Wiggles are increasing along with her sobs. It's feeling like she got some allergy from him if she will stay with him then she will get sick which she doesn't want.

Arnav let her go. I will find you another girl his mother spoke putting more fuel in the situation. Already she is not listening to him and his mother is trying to  spoil it more

Yessss find a good match for him whom you will like and your son. Specially that One who have status like you so that she won't face that which i did in this big cage whom you called so called raizada mansion .

Mom stop it ok don't interfere in our matters. I don't want anyone else in my life expect Khushi. Did you understand. And Khushi listen to me look here. Look at me. This is your house baby.  This is your family I'm yours you have to stay here. You belong here. You don't need to go anywhere. Please  listen to me. I promise you will be happy here. everything will be fine I will make everything correct.   Just give me a chance. He pleads her cupping her face trying to put some sense in her brain but she is the one who is not paying attention to his words and just searching ways to escape.

No this is not my house.  You people don't care about me and specially you.  (She sobs )You want me now because you got to know that you don't  have any other option except me.   You won't able to get girl like me who won't say anything to you whether if you kill me that's why you want me back.  ( Hiccups )You want a puppet who move around you despite facing your hate. You don't want a wife but a servant who do your stuff and don't expect anything in return that's why you are saying me to come back to you.   )She sniffs wiping her tears harshly )You know why you didn't marry malika ??it's not that you wanted to take revenge  on her. no you never wanted.   You just had got to know that she won't be your idol wife. She will do whatever she will feel like.  She will do things on her own wish. Unlike me who don't have wishes or any other desires in my life and will listen to you whatever you will say .  But I'm sorry mr raizada you are wrong I'm done with you.  I know before I tried  best to  sort things between us. But now I've  enough of this  . I don't want it anymore . I don't want a person in my life who changes his dislikes and likes in seconds.  I don't want a man for whom I'm a last option when he get run out of it .   I  want respect for myself mr raizada.  I don't want mannerless man like you who would  insult me whenever he  feel like.   I want divorce from you mr raizda. I wanna get rid of your from my life. I bloody don't wanna see your face.  Understand just leave me alone and stop trying to come back in my life.   Leave me aloneeeee

Khushi please don't say this. I want you back khushi please listen to me.  

Time has finished for listening  to you mr raizada. I've enough of you.   When time was there you didn't talk now what's the need of doing. We are finished and I hope we never get back together. She spoke wiping her face with her sleeve

Khushi please.   Dont do this please I'm sorry for everything. Im ready to do whatever you want but please don't leave me khushi please he try to hold her but she show hand to him and move back

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