Leaf 10

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Let me go for god sake. Just leave me alone. She wriggle in his arms but he held her firmly having grin on his face admiring her beauty which is so irresistible and unignored.

Leave my room mr raizada. I don't want one more drama happens here because of you.

Nothing gonna happen I assure you

What do you want form me. Why don't you leave me alone. Arnav slide his hand back of her neck and pulled her closer making her breath hitch with his sudden move.

I won't leave you alone. I will stay here as much as I can. Did you understand miss Khushi. He says gazing at her pink lips which are looking so tempting and desirable

God I can't control he mumbles and move near her take her lips for deep kiss but before he do she pushed him away glaring him.

What the hell you are trying to do. She said getting up from the bed looking at him shockingly

I I didn't mean to do it.  I just

I think you are having different kind of image about me which is not good but I'm not like this. I'm not gonna keep a physical  relationship with you when I know that we don't have any future. Did you understand. Just leave my room now. I don't wanna get into like this. She says  pointing towards the door having stern face

Khushi Listen to me I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable I just

I said leave my room didn't you understand just go away. I don't want people think about us something bad

Are you serious why would they think bad about us. We are hus....

We are not. Did you understand we are not. You love malika and going to marry  with her soon and in between us there is nothing we Are not even friends so don't make  things for hard between us to coming closer to me. Let's just keep ourselves stick with that which we had decided.  As much as we will keep distance between us. It's gonna be good for us. Now please go away from here and don't try to come near me. She glare him and step back folding her arms.

You are saying all this because you got that bastard sahir. As these words left from his mouth her eyes shoot open and she look at him shockingly.

No I'm not interested in anyone.  Neither you nor in  him. He is just my friend nothing else so don't you dare to point finger on my character mr raizada otherwise I won't take time to leave this place right now right here. she shout at him giving him disgusting look.

You won't do this. He stutter.

I will now please leave before I decide to go back home alone. 

Fine I'm going right now but we have loads of things to discuss

We don't have anything to discuss mr raizada if you you wanna discuss something then do with your fiancé as I guess you people having something problem between you.

We are fine with each other.  We don't have problem between us

Then what you doing here in my room go to her then try to find solace in her arms instead of mine who got nothing to give you.

You have loads of attitude in you. You know that. He spoke gritting his teeth.

Fine I've. Better you stay away from this moody girl. Now go leave my room I need to sleep

But I

Khushi rub her forehead in tension and started dragging him with her without paying head to his  pleading or Denies

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