Leaf 23

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Arnav set on the bench out side of hospital and started crying bending his head down. He was so excited to seeing her awake.  He thought she would have forgiven him but as he entered , hearing her hate for him broke his heart in pieces.  His khushi  didn't want to see him even in subconscious state she said he shouldn't come infront of her. And this is valid somewhere as well. He did so bad with her that now she hates him and don't wanna look at him even but it's hurting it's hurting his heart so bad. He is in Immense pain which he can't express

Bhai. Nk come and set besides him keeping hand on his shoulder

Bhai don't cry.   Khushi bhabi is not well that's why she is behaving like this.  Don't worry soon she gonna accept you.  He console him patting his shoulder

I know she is not well and I'm not angry on her for behaving like this but still my heart is paining. It couldn't accept that she hates me and doesn't want to see me anymore.  He  sobs wiping his tears witn his sleeves

Seems like you have started believing that she will nEver forgive you

Matlb he frowns at him

Bhai if you will lose so easily then how will you win her.  Don't forget you hurted her so bad.  She suffered so much because of you. And I'm sure if I would had been on her place then would had react same like this.  So give her time and do your hard work to win her back. She is your wife and  you should make sure that she accept you full heartedly and all the  hate and fear which  she is carrying for you should be finished. You know what I mean

You are right. I shouldn't lose hope. I will win her back no matter what happens.  I will give her so much love that she will forget whatever happened with her in the past.  It's  my promise. He determined wiping his tears.

That's good bhai he smiles and hugged him which he reciprocated thinking about khushi

After some days

With the help of doctors and pampering of family khushi started recovering fast so doctors decided to discharge her from the hospital.  Right now In the room  Payal is making her ready to go home when arnav's enters there seeing him there she bend her eyes  and turn her face away avoiding him

Car is here. Time to go raizada mansion hearing him she swiftly look at him and nods no

What do you mean raizada mansion I'm not going there. She instantly spoke as she heard him that he gonna take her in his own house instead hers.

Khushi that's your house he smiles

No that's not. I've my own home and I will go there not your house

But khushi how will you manage there alone I mean you are not well and ...

I've to manage alone  in future as well so I guess I can do now also so don't worry about me. She says rudely sliding her shoes with the help of Payal

Di can you call me texi please khushi says to Payal getting up with the help Of her??

Texi ???why texi khushi I've car I can take you in there he spoke after hearing her asking about texi

I don't want your any of help I can go myself. Where's my phone she says lookin around.

It's here Payal spoke passing her phone. Khushi immediately take it and called the Uber itself

Khushi don't do this. Come with me you are not well. I don't want you to be uncomfortable going alone in someone else's car When you have your own. He says trying to touch her but she didn't let him moving back

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