Leaf 18

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Whole night he spent in tossing turning on the bed. Her face is not leaving his eyes. He is just continuously thinking about her. He is just praying that she shouldn't leave him if she did then he won't able to bear it. It will be really hard for him to cope up with everything.   He knows he is risking everything by doing all This drama but he didn't have any other option as well to give her proper lesson he had to stay away from khushi and teach this malika lesson now he is hoping that khushi understand his situation and don't leave him.  Suddenly he got nudge by his mother who entered there with three four servants 

Arnav get up.  Its already 7 am.   People are Already started coming. 

What mom ,, why so early

It's according to  mohrat.  Your wedding should be done early. Now stop wasting time and get up.  You need to come out in half an hour.  Here is your clothes. She  says giving him sharvani

Mom give me five minutes I've something to
Check outside. He try to get up but she didn't let him keeping hand on his shoulder.

Not now arnav  you Don't have time at all just go and get ready.  Arnav groan and take it in his hand getting up from the bed

God mom you are in so much hurry he rub his forehead in tension and went in the washroom thinking about khushi. he thought he gonna go and first see her  but here his mom have came spoiling his all Plan. He huffs and went in washroom
To get ready unwillingly.

After sometime

Arnav came out and look around  to get a single glimpse of her but she is no where to be seen. He couldn't even get a single trace of her. Fear surrounded his heart thinking about consequences. He is praying that she shouldn't leave if she left then he will lose her forever which he doesn't want at all

Arnav what you waiting for come down stairs.  His mother hold his arm and brought him downstairs.   Priest gave him smile but he didn't even spare glance at him having khushi all around his mind.   Soon rasams  begin  and priest  started chanting his mantra.  Arnav so wanna run and search her everywhere but he can't leave now being stuck In this situation. If he did then everyone will Start making chat which he doesn't want. Suddenly his eyes fell on dadi who is sitting there having sad face. He can clearly see that she is not liking  whatever is happening here.    He so wanna go and tell her  about everything but this stupid wedding rituals are stopping him.

Malika have came his mother announced in her chirpy voice gaining his attention. He look towards stairs and found her coming down. He is just imaging  khushi in this attire but unfortunately this lizard wearing it finishing  all the charm of the dress. Soon she comes and forward her hand towards him Hoping  he will help her to climb up but seeing him not moving she got embarrassed and  itself climb on it having angry face

What the hell was this arnav you embarrassed me infront of all. She whispered in his ear glaring him

I don't care.   He murmur looking around  still in search of her. During this suddenly His eyes fell
On nk who is standing with akash. He eye him and call him towards him which he understood and
Come towards him fastly

Yes bhai do you Need anything. Shall I get you water

No I don't need water I just wanna know that did you
See khushi somewhere as I can't see her around.

Why do you care about her when You are getting marry to your sweet love of your life .  He  sneer rolling his eyes

Shut up nk and tell me where's she

I didn't see her from Last night I don't think so even she is at home or not

What ????

Ill Come to you later  akash is calling Me before he ask him Something he already left leaving him restless.  Arnav got pale  rubbing  his hands in tension. He don't know but his heart is not feeling good at all
It's feeling like he done a big mistake coming so far in
This plan

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