Leaf 05

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In evening

Arnav got in his room and decided to check khushi as per dadi's instruction he has to bring her with him after all according to her she is his wife and being her husband it's his duty to take her with him. He shakes his head being annoyed and entered in her room finding her sitting on the bed checking his school work fully engrossed in it even she didn't feel his presence.

You haven't got ready. She gasp hearing his sudden loud voice.

Can't you enter before knocking in someone's room. Have some manners mr raizada. She spoke keeping hand on her heart which is thumbing fastly.

I've manners more than you. You don't need to tell me about them. Moreover it's my house and I can go wherever I feel like without anyone's permission. Khushi rolls her eyes seeing him behaving like child who rant about their home like him

Yh sorry I'd forgot that it's your house where only you can rule no one else. Anyways now tell me why are you here I've to finish my work as well

I've came to take you with me in birthday party on the order of dadi. Just get up and let's go.

I'd already told you Im not coming in any of party.
I'll stay home. You can go and enjoy. She says picking up the note book from the bed.

Khushi I said get up and get ready. He grit his teeth seeing her not listening to him

And I also said that I'm not coming can't you understand a little thing mr raizada. Arnav look at her angrily and stormed towards her in no time he pushed her on the bed and come on top of her intertwining his hands with her

I hate those people who try to disobey me. I can't see someone saying no on my face. So get up and wear something good we are leaving in few minutes.

I'm not afraid of you mr raizada if I said that I'm not coming then that's mean I'm not coming you can't force me she spoke on his face looking directly in his eyes without fearing a bit.

I can force you. I've bloody right over you. Hearing him her blood boiled and she pushed him away getting on her feet

You don't have any right over me mr raizada. We are just strangers who knows nothing about each other so don't you dare to share a single right over me. I'm not gonna let you do it. She rebuke on his face pointing finger on him without giving damn to his anger.


he try to go near her but she didn't let him and her pushed him again back making him stumble

I said stay away from me. Don't touch me with your hands. I don't like it mr raizada

I don't have wish to touch you miss. Infect I don't wanna see your face.

Then don't come infront of me if you don't like me. Better keep good distance from me as much as you can.

I'm ,,, im doing it

Yh I can see that how much you are doing she chuckle sarcastically looking at him tip to toe showing him he is standing infront of her.

Don't over smart with me khushi. I know what you are trying to do

Oh really then tell me what I'm trying to do she says folding her hand on her chest

Khushi go and get ready. Dadi wants you to come there

Don't twist words mr raizada and tell me what I'm trying to do

I don't need to tell you anything miss khushi. Just go and get ready you are coming with me

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