Leaf 14

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Khushi widen her eyes when he saw arnav is standing infront her having thick grin on his face. She can't believe he would come here like this behind her. She thought that atleast for few days she will sigh in relief being away from them specially him and look here he is standing infront of her having brightest smile. She rub her eyes to believe on his existence. She is just praying he shouldn't be infront of her but after cleaning her eyes properly she still found him standing infront of her.   She grit her teeth and pushed him away glaring uim

What the hell are you doing here.  She screams giving him disbelieving look

I've came bebind my wife. Is there any problem. He shrug his shoulder moving towards the bed laying on it carelessly

Stop this bullshit  mr raizada.  I'm not your bloody wife and I would never be

And who are you to decide about it.  He says resting his hands under his head

It's my life and it's my right to decide with whom I wanna be and with whom not.  I bloody had came here for some peaceful days i thought  at least few days I'll be away creepy person like you but no you have came behind as well.   She grit her teeth  and walk around behind restless. 

I won't had it you would had listen to me. I had said to you to not leave the raizada mansion but no you
Didn't listen to me and came here without telling even once.  What you thought you will escape from me like this then you are wrong.  Where ever you will go simultaneously I'll come behind you

But I don't wanna stay with you then why the hell you came.  Once side you want malika and are planning your future with her and here you are coming behind me as well. Look it's better if you leave from here. I don't want you to be here and embarrass me infront of people. She says showing him way of out having stern face.

You think that you will say me all this and I will leave then sorry I won't. Im staying here and that's final. Do whatever you want.

Khushi groan and started walking here and there keeping hands on her head

Im here with my school trip. It's my work place and I don't want them to make any issue about it. So better you leave. Don't things hard for me mr arnav Singh raizada

You can tell Them I'm your husband I'm sure they won't have any problem with that.

They will I know that. Moreover I don't want you as well here. So please I'm folding hands infront of you just leave me alone for god sake . Seeing her folding hands he immediately got up and hold them in his hand

Don't fold hands infront of me I don't like it. Khushi exhale a long breath and step away keeping hands on her hips 

What do you want from me. She says biting her lips being irritate with his bullshit

I want you to let me stay here with you that's all.

Khushi squeeze her eyes and nods

Fine stay here. I'll change my room. Saying this she carry her bag and about to go but he hold her hand and pulled her towards him making her grasp with his sudden move

You are not going anywhere. You are staying with me.

Excuse me why would I stay with you. I'm not gonna do it. She wriggle on his arms to come out from his hold but he is holding her firmly having glint on his face

Oh really then try it. He grin pulling her closer

Mr raizada you are pissing some off

Oh Am I. I really didn't know that but you know what I'm liking to piss you off. So drop this idea for leaving this room and keep the bag aside I won't let you go.

Her ruthless husband ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon