Chapter 18: Zeref

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Finally at long last Zeref is going to come into the story!!!!!

So Raven, Luke and Zevy were allowed if they chose to join the guild. I smiled at them lightly.

"Well I've caused enough trouble for you already Crystal, I think I'm going to go my own way and join another guild. I'll come and visit you sometime though." She said smiling.

"Well then I wish you the best of luck and here..." I swirled my hand around and a necklace appeared around Raven's neck.

"What's this?" I smiled.

"It's a protective charm and communication through telepathy, whenever you want to talk or you're in trouble just let me know." I said lightly.

Raven hugged me gently.

"Thank you so much, Darktrisia." I smiled and hugged her back.

"I'm so sorry for the way I treated you, please enjoy your life and live it to the fullest." I looked at Zevy and Luke. "What about you two?" Zevy looked at his sister who smiled.

"Go ahead I'll be just fine here." She said gently.

"Alright, I'm going to go with Raven I would be worried if she went off on her own." I nodded and created a charm necklace for him too.

"You two be careful alright?" The two nodded and they looked at Luke.

"We already know what you want to do, we know how much Thunder meant to you. So stay." Luke nodded and smiled lightly at them.

"Take care you two." They waved as they walked out of the guildhall. I turned and looked at Luke.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail, Luke." Mira gave him his guild emblem which was a lightning yellow on his chest like Gray.

"Hey Master?" I asked looking around for a certain 2nd generation dragon slayer.

"Yes Crystal?"

"Where's Sting I haven't seen him at all since before we went on the beach training day." I asked.

"Well... Sting went back to Sabertooth." I froze.

"Why?! Why would he do that?!" I frowned and looked away from everyone. "He's such an idiot." I whispered under my breath.

"I'm sorry he made me promise not to tell you till the end of the tournament. Under the circumstances the tournament is going to be put on hold." I felt my heart twist, why does he keep leaving me all alone at the worse possible times?!

"Crystal are you going to be alright?" Wendy asked coming over to me.

"Yeah, eventually." I said and turned to walk out of the guildhall. "I'll see you all tomorrow I'm tired."

As I left I saw that the sun had set and that the moon was high in the sky. Well this should be a fun trip home.

"You seem to think I'm behind what happened to Raven." I froze at the voice. I knew that voice.

"Zeref. I do think you're behind what happened to Raven. Unless you manage to convince me otherwise." I turned and he walked out of the shadows and into the moonlight.

"Crystal, Princess of the Dragons it has been a long time since I've seen your face as a human. You must remember the conversation we had before your father passed and changed you." I looked down at the ground, I remembered all too well the conversation that I had with Zeref.


"Zeref I have no interest in learning the dark arts you wield, I know dragons have been in hiding for centuries but killing all humans will not make this world peaceful and will not make the dragons happy in the least." I argued with the black wizard.

"You will understand that my way is far greater than the way of the dragons. Hiding for centuries is not how the dragons of old would have wanted it to be." I rolled my eyes.

"This conversation is over, goodbye Zeref." I turned and flew away from the disgusting wizard.

"You will regret this Princess."

*flashback over*

"You told me I would regret it. You used Raven... That poor girl was terrified already and you added fuel to the flame! I will never join your foolish plans, I will stop you and crush you with every might of my power!" I yelled and he grinned.

"For that to happen you would have to be a dragon, but I know you can no longer turn into one. Only the dragons in the Dragon Realm can help you with that but you were banished. So I suggest you gather your forces Crystal, you're going to need it for the war that is about to begin." I flinched back. "The War of Darkness will begin. Just try and stop me."

He vanished back into the darkness and I looked at the moon.

"I'm going to need all my dragon slayers for this..."

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