Chapter 5:Beach Day Training

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So the entire guild is going to go and train for the day at the beach.

Why the beach of all places? Oh well we don't question Master Makarov.

A month had passed since Lily joined the guild and it was amazing to watch my children getting along, even Gajeel liked Lily.

"Gather around my children!" Master Makarov called. "I've decided that we're going to have a Fairy Tail Tournament to decide the strongest member. That will happen a week from now so to prepare we're going to do some training at the beach today."

Everyone cheered and I grinned at Natsu.

"Don't expect me to go easy on you, Dragneel." He punched my arm lightly.

"Same here, Silverwing."

An hour later we were at the beach: Natsu and Happy were running with rocks on their backs, Gray was doing push-ups on the sand while Juvia watched from afar, Wendy and Lily were doing deep breathing/magic focusing exercises with Lucy, and finally Erza was fighting with Gajeel while Levy read her book nearby occasionally looking up to check on Gajeel.

I should probably start training too.

Awaken within me dragon of the dark abyss, Darktrisia!

Darktrisia split from my body and smiled darkly at me.

"So we're going to train together?" I nodded. "Be ready to work." She put her hands up and dark chains appeared around me.

"AHH!" I yelled as they crushed my limbs together.

"Break out or they'll crush all your bones." She said sternly.

"Darktrisia, that's not possible!" I said between gasps.

"Then you want to die?" I closed my eyes and relaxed. Panicking wasn't going to get me anywhere.

I let my magic power flow outside of my body. I heard a crack and then the chains binding me shattered.

I dropped to my knees, gasping for breath.

"Are you insane!?" I yelled at her, getting up.

"You brought me here to train you and that's what I'm doing."

"No, you're trying to kill me!" She laughed mockingly.

"If that's how you feel, then I have no interest in helping you." She started to disappear.

"WAIT!" I yelled.

"See? You do need me to help." I sighed.

"Yes, I do..."

"Good, now let's try that again."

An hour later I was gasping on the ground feeling like jello.

"Don't tell me you're already done?" Darktrisia said kicking me on to my back.

"Nope, just catching my breath." I smirked.

"Now that's the kick ass attitude I want to hear!" She helped me up. "Now time to conquer some fears."

"Wait what?" But I was too late in stopping her.

My body was thrown into darkness.

"Darktrisia!" I called out into the dark, but nothing else came.

"Hello mother..." I turned and saw the six other dragon slayers I trained.


"What's wrong? Afraid to see the children you abandoned?"

"No... no..."

"Is that all you can say is no? I thought you were a proud dragon?"

"Go away!"

"We're not going anywhere mother..." I looked away from them. "Looking away isn't going to change anything. Darktrisia, you abused me!" Raven called out.

"Darktrisia has a mind of her own!" I called back unable to look her in the eyes.

"Then why can't you look me in the eyes?" I knew I had to see her, just once.

When I looked at her there were bruises all over her body.

"See what she did? See what I had to deal with?"

"I'm so sorry Raven." The darkness faded and I dropped to my knees, tears streaming down my face.

"Are you seriously crying?" Darktrisia's harsh voice came from behind me.

"Go..." I said coldly.

"I get that it was a harsh reality, but-"

"GO! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" I said getting up and facing her.


"After everything you put that poor girl through, everything you did to her. You deserve to burn..." She sighed.

"So this is about Raven? Look I raised her, not you. So get over it." Magic swirled around me and I saw scales appearing on my arms. Parts of my hair were turning blue as well. "Well, well your dragon-force has come out." Darktrisia said clapping her hands.

"Shut up!" I let my body collect the magic and charged her. "You made her suffer, just like me!" I punched her in the face.

"Maybe you both are just weak!" She punched me back.

Something flared on my back and I turned to see Igneel standing there.

"I'm sorry, but you're too fired up to control your magic properly, get some rest."

The heat increased in my back and I blacked out.

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