Chapter 28: Battle of Oracle

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So it's finally begun. The war has already taken it's first causalities: Willow and Star

Who will be next?

Jake, Melissa and I flew everywhere but even though the flames had come from around here they were gone and nothing was burned or charred.

"Did he really kill them?" Melissa asked as we looked around.

"Jake, Melissa go search the East of town I'll take the West."

"What about staying together you'll be alone." I looked at him with a serious look.

"I know Zeref, he wouldn't hurt me." I said and flew away without another word.

I knew that Zeref was after one thing...


Natsu's POV

Crystal disappeared with Melissa and Jake into the town.

"Is she going to be alright?" Lucy asked Igneel who was standing next to me.

"Crystal knows how to take care of herself she wouldn't do anything stupid." I believed Igneel, but something didn't feel right.

When she talked about Aphrodite she seemed almost sad about it, like it was a friend...

"Let's go!" I was pushed forward by Lucy and I fell in step with Erza.

"She's fine, don't worry." She put a hand on my shoulder.

"I hope you're right."

Sting's POV

I watched Crystal disappear into the town.

Don't you dare go dying on me Crystal.

"She'll be alright Sting. Shes quite capable of handling herself." Rogue said touching my shoulder.

"Yeah... I just wish I could have-" I didn't get the chance to finish as black lightning shot from the sky.

"Demons!" Luminesa yelled from beside me. Rogue and I jumped into the air.

"Holy Light Dragon Roar!"

"Shadow Dragon Roar!" The two roar collided with the black shadows before us and they faded away.

"That was only the guards, the army is in the town." Luminesa said as I cheered.

Then why haven't Crystal and the others gotten attacked yet, unless...

We have to get into the town and fast!

Crystal's POV

I landed on the ground and looked around.

"This town was once so beautiful, the people were so happy..." I mumbled and looked up at the sky.

"So you've finally arrived." I turned around and saw Zeref standing there.

"Why can't you just let the past go Zeref? No one had to die!" I said harshly.

"Listen closely Crystal, you vanished all those years ago. This land died, it was magnificent." He laughed. I shivered, my body went cold.

"That's not my fault. If I hadn't been changed... if I didn't have the Drago-Blood... then this land would have continued to be..." I trailed off and looked away.

"You brought the outbreak Crystal, you started this whole thing. The Age of Dragons started with you." I heard the cries of battle and saw the blasts of magic.

I turned away from Zeref.

"Don't you turn away from me!" I heard the wind swish as he charged me. I jumped into the air on to a nearby rooftop.

"Zeref! We may have been created by sadness and death, but we don't need to be that way!"

"Lies!!!" I back handspringed away from him as he punched the roof, the material dissolving into nothing but ash.

"It's not a lie! Please listen to me!" I called out wanting him to understand me.

"If you won't join me, then I'll destroy you!" I ran across the rooftop and jumped to the other. I could see all the wizards and dragons fighting with everything they had.

I noticed a sparkling yellow dragon and a silver dragon fighting along side each other.

Willow, Star they were okay!?

"Never take your eyes off the enemy!" Zeref punched me into a nearby house.

I coughed and saw some blood on my hand.

"Not so strong without your other dragons are you?" He said walking towards me.

"I don't need my dragons, because I have one form that can beat you."

He looked at me amused.

"And what form is that?"

"Bringer of Heaven and Hell, Life and Death awaken within me and destroy all those who oppose me! Aphrodite!"

Half of my hair stayed white while the other half turned black, half of my body glowed a radiating white and the other half a menacing black, and finally my left eye was blue while the right was red.

"So you finally show your true form, sister." I shook my head lightly.

"I really didn't want to have to fight you brother but you leave me no choice. I will destroy you."

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