Chapter 13: Crystal VS. Guildarts

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Elemental Dragon vs. The Destruction Wizard!!!!!

Great so now I have to fight Guildarts, one of the strongest members of the guild.

"Ready to rumble Crystal?" Guildarts called from across the battlefield.

"I guess." I said and Master signaled for us to start. "Elemental Dragon Roar!!" All the elements headed straight for Guildarts who destroyed the roar as if it were nothing.

"Is that all you have Crystal? I thought an S-Class wizard would be I don't know stronger." I glared at him and vanished into thin air appearing above him.

"Time Dragon Roar!" The roar hit Guildarts and sent him down to the ground.

"Not bad but still not enough to keep me down." He looked like he was about to do something when a blast of lightning hit me and I was thrown into a tree.

"Who in the world-?!" I got to my feet and saw three people standing in front of me.

The first one had white hair and golden eyes, his teeth sharp with rage. Lightning was swirling around his hands. Guess I know who hit me.

The second one was a girl with black hair and blueish purple eyes. She looked dark and sinister with a creepy smile on her face.

The third was a guy with brown hair and brownish red eyes, he looked like the most sophisticated of the group wearing a suit, tie and glasses. However he looked just as deadly as the other two.

"Who are you three?" I asked, a familiar voice answered me.

"What's wrong don't remember your children mother?" I froze.

"Raven, Luke, Zevy..."

"There you go."

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