Chapter Thirty

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Months had come and gone at the firehouse and the bond between me and everyone at 51 has grown even stronger. We've hung out at Molly's to unwind, we've been to each other's houses for dinner, and they even helped K'eon and I finish the remodel on our house without asking. They just showed up one day and went to work. Because of their help, the house was finished within two months. I don't know what I'd do without these people.

"You've healed nicely," Dr. Halstead smiled as he let my arm go. "Dr. Choi will be pleased."

"Glad to hear it," I smiled back. "And to think he tried to take me off the job until I healed. Pft."

"I mean, you would've healed faster if you did."

"Maybe, but I can't not work, can I?"

"I suppose not. So, what's on the calendar today?"

"Besides my favorite ginger getting into my business again?" I teased.

"You know me, I'm a nosey guy."

"Will Halstead nosey? Never," I chuckled. "K'eon and I are having a meeting with the landlord to put an offer on the house, but otherwise nothing."

"Cool. I hope it all works out for you."



"I fucking knew it," I laughed.

"It's just a suggestion," Dr. Halstead grinned. "If you and K'eon are bored tonight, there's a huge party going on at The Lounge. Lots of music, drinks, dancing, sounds like your area of interest."

"Sounds like K'eon's area of interest," I corrected. "Every time someone breathes the word club or party, he's dragging my ass to it. He's determined to find me either a boyfriend or a one night stand."

"Is that so bad?"

"I'm not a one night stand type of person."

"And the boyfriend part?"

"I'm just...I'm not interested in dating."

"Dating or the people he throws you at?" Dr. Halstead sat down beside me. "Look, some advice from your friend, you shouldn't be alone all the time. You should let yourself be open to the idea that dating isn't such a bad thing. Personally, I find it quite rewarding."

"Eww," I cringed.

"I meant the companionship," Dr. Halstead laughed. "Don't get me wrong, that's a perk, but having someone you can call when you need someone to talk to, someone to wake up next to, someone who will be there for you when you need someone the most, that's the rewarding part. And you deserve that."

"Uh-huh, and how is that going with Natalie?"

"It's, well, I—we're talking about you, not me." I shook my head with amusement. "Hey, just entertain me, okay? Go out and, for once in your life, have fun and don't turn every man down. Have a conversation with them, laugh at their dumb jokes, and you'll realize that not all guys are bad."

"I never said they were," I quietly sighed. "Still, it would get K'eon off my back."

"And you'd get laid."

"You've been talking to K'eon, haven't you?"

"...Only a little." I rolled my eyes and stood up from the bed. "Will you give it a try?"

"I will...think about it."

"That's all I ask." Dr. Halstead stood up and I followed him out of the med bay. "Dr. Choi, our favorite patient has been officially cleared for work."

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