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When Sophie found Agatha, she noticed she looked tired and unhappy.

"I want to find my daughter," Agatha hissed. "They took her away. And she was innocent. She was my innocent daughter who did nothing to them, those filthy cowards. Anadil's rats are also murdered-"

Sophie felt a small hand in hers as she listened to her best friend rant. It was Japeth's brother, still healing after the accident at Camelot. "The plan to separate you from your son was useless because here he is." Sophie looked up at Hadrian. He was trying to reach out for her, but Agatha maintained a firm grip on him so he wouldn't plummet to his death.

"Tedros is going to war," Agatha went on, "and now your kingdom will be on the brink, too. I heard the terms. Return the boy within a month and no crossing their land in aggression. None of which you will keep. Actually, it doesn't matter now, does it? War is coming. War will happen."

Sophie sighed, exasperated. "Have you forgotten what they have done to us? They are trying to kill me! They called Hadrian son of-"

"I don't need to hear that," Agatha cut in sharply, "it's disgusting. Everything they said is disgusting."

Sophie moved away from the balcony. "I'm sorry, Aggie, but we don't have much time. I'm going to say goodbye and then leave with you." Hadrian was still attempting to reach his hand out for Sophie. Rhian was looking at Hadrian, confused.

"It's rude to stare at people," he said. "Like what you are doing now."

Agatha smiled. "He always does that." She looked at Sophie. "So he was alive."

"Apparently," Sophie answered dryly.

Sophie went further inside. "I am not sure if one stymph is good enough for us," she whispered to Rafal.

"I'll take Rhian, then. It's probably not good that he goes high in the sky on a fast riding stymph anyway."

"Even so, someone can fall on one stymph. Especially a little child."

"Then I'll take Hadrian." Sophie hesitated. "How are you going to -"

"I will quickly get the Storian, though no doubt that will be hard, and the magical crowns. If I don't come back at a certain time, they have to leave without me. I can fend for myself anyway. Do you remember where we are supposed to meet?"

"Yes, I remember. I hope Aggie remembers," she said. "I don't know. I want Hadrian with me. Who knows what will happen? How will the royal guard escape? By stymph?"

"By horse," the Royal guard cut in, "although I can go by stymph if that's what you wish." As he was speaking, there were voices yelling from outside.

"I wish my sisters were here, but off they go, with Armand."

Sophie bit her lip and looked toward the window. "I think I should go."

"Goodbye then. Please go to the right place and don't hesitate to attack anyone in your way, even a Camelot person."

Sophie was annoyed the stupid guard had to be there and that Agatha was right at the balcony, watching. If they weren't here, this farewell would be much more romantic. She set Hadrian on the bed and said goodbye to him too. She hoped he wouldn't cry or scream, especially as he was more attached to her than Rafal and could hardly stay by himself with him. But he didn't. He just waved at her with his little hand. His stepbrother was observing him with interest.

Sophie took Agatha's hand, which pulled her up the stymph. After they had flown out some distance, Sophie started asking Agatha about everything, to the point where her friend became annoyed. "Aggie! Why aren't you answering my questions?'

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