A Special Meeting

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Armand Benoit was the most prominent advisor in Calmaria. He took no side in the Great War, apparently. He was loyal to whoever won. To the public, he was quite charming and competent. He always wore a smug expression. His gray eyes were calm and, at times, dead.

In reality, Armand was a Rhian Mistral supporter-- that is, of course, until the war started and the other brother, Rafal had won the war. Armand realized his opportunity to rise to power.

Everything went his way when the gorgeous, intelligent, and cunning Evelyn Sader had become involved in royal affairs. Originally, she taught at the school at her seer brother's request. But then she had become a personal acquaintance of His Majesty. A very personal acquaintance.

Armand had hopes Rafal would choose her for his Evil Queen. Their twin sons were quietly sent away to be raised to claim Camelot's throne-- a plan introduced by Evelyn. A plan that Rafal was interested in for a little while but soon forgot about. Already things were going as planned-- the Mistral sisters had joined the Camelot court to advise the drunk and easily impressionable Arthur.

To Lord Benoit's dismay, August Sader, that perfidious brother of Evelyn, had prophesied that Evelyn was not Rafal's true love at all, and that he would have another Evil queen. Rafal soon sent Evelyn away, only visiting her once, when the twins were born. She was angry with him for turning her out and refused to let him take one of them or see them. Later, she was killed, and her body turned into a million butterflies... Armand had placed the children under his care at his house, and planned them to attend the school at Foxwood, along with Lady Lesso's son, whom to her dismay, she was hardly allowed to see. 

Lord Benoit hoped at least this Reader-Sophie girl wouldn't interfere with his power. At least, he was the king regent for now. He met with the King to let him know Sophie would come.  However, he was too busy discussing other matters with other advisors-- about ransoming his sisters stuck in Camelot-- to pay much attention to him.

Later, he was free, but Rafal found Armand's company too boring and sent him with orders for the servants about accommodating Sophie and such. Armand, luckily, had found out about her habits by some conversations with the staff at the school before seeing her. She was also very popular in the kingdom as Dean

When he met Sophie again later, he found her in conversation with a group of three. One of them was albino and had rats, which she looked upon very fondly. Another had a tattoo on her neck, and she seemed to be irritated with her acquaintance, or friend, or whatever Sophie was to her.   Another one was a sweet looking girl, who seemed quite out of place with the other two. She was eating chocolate. Armand and the guards approached the group.

"I have to go now, but don't worry, if it makes you feel better, I'll put in a good word for you." Hester rolled her eyes. "To be honest, we don't envy you. I think it's quite stupid. How do you know you aren't walking into a death trap?" Anadil added, "Putting in a good word for us might actually be sending us to die. But maybe that's what you wanted anyway."

"Nobody is recommending anyone to His Majesty. Already spreading stories , Dean Sophie?" Armand was clearly annoyed. Sophie grinned. "Well, you're punctual aren't you?" She had dressed in her best-- she wore a silver sparkly dress with heels and a golden colored belt. She carried herself well aware of her beauty.

In the carriage, Sophie asked questions about the King which Lord Benoit tried to answer as vaguely as possible. He did warn Sophie not to make any of her impertinent remarks because His Majesty was well-known to have a bit of a short fuse. Lord Benoit himself could never really understand Rafal too well, at least not as much as Rhian. Rafal kept to himself, somehow understood what you were thinking, and he wouldn't say if he was using mental manipulation or not. He was... Rather sardonic according to Armand. Nothing like the good cheer of his late twin brother. In fact, it seemed as if Rafal enjoyed making a mockery of people, especially the other nobles in court.

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