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Warning: This chapter is dark, and it includes violence. If you aren't comfortable, please don't read. 

This was one of the hardest ones to write, for more than one reason. I hope you enjoy this, and this explains a lot about Armand, my OC!!

"Where's Father?" a young boy asked. A tall, grey-eyed woman with dark brown hair cascading down her back, clearly the boy's mother, gave no answer for a long time, fidgeting with her jewelry.

"Let me guess. He's at the castle again."

She nodded slowly. "Your father is hardly ever around, as usual. I'm sorry, Armand. It's my fault. I wish I could give you a complete family. A happy and healthy family. Not... this."

Armand shook his head. "It's not your fault, Mother. Please don't say that." She still didn't look convinced. He put his hand on hers. "I have you, so I do have a happy, healthy, and complete family."

She smiled, but it was a sad one, as if she didn't want to show her son how bad her suffering really was. "And if I'm no longer here?"

"That won't happen," Armand said firmly. "It can't."

"It has to happen one day, but hopefully, you already have your own family."

Armand shook his head and glared at his mother. "Stop it! Stop saying that. It should be Father who should no longer be here." Lady Benoit looked at him, reproach in her eyes. She hated whenever he started talking in that manner. She hoped that when he grew up he wouldn't become a violent person.

Armand was taken to the castle to start learning some serious magic. His mother accompanied him to the Queen herself. She met her rival's eyes with much more dignity than the Queen had herself.

"Thank you, Your Royal Majesty. I really appreciate that you wish to instruct my son, though you are busy with so many things."

The Queen gave her a smile full of contempt. "I'm not doing this for charity. I hope you understand that." Her eyes studied Lady Benoit closely. "It amuses me endlessly to see how your husband is better dressed than you. You look like a rat."

The woman blinked but said nothing. She knew the truth. The Queen had nothing better to do than insult others to lift herself up. Lady Benoit was dressed simply today, but still very elegantly.

Armand was shaking with rage. His mother put her hand on his shoulder. "Don't do anything stupid," she whispered. "I can fend for myself."

The Queen started to laugh. "What's so funny?" asked Armand, with ill-concealed hatred.

"Still attached to Mama, aren't you?" He glared at her, wanting to poke her pretty blue eyes with a knife. "I love her, but I can do A LOT of things myself now. She was just telling me to be quiet for your sake. You should be grateful because I would have--"

"Don't talk the Queen that way. Do you want to get us both in trouble?" Lady Benoit hissed. "She attacked me, not you. Fight your own battles. "

Her Royal Majesty was amused. "I think I might love you more than my own sons. Really, Armand, you are something."

"Your sons are possible future kings and probably as horrible as you are. How can you not care?"

She shrugged. "Your mother is rather.. eccentric. Queens and ladies are not supposed to care for their children. We have more pressing matters than coddling our useless children."

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