Chapter Thirty-two

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The sound of water filled the air, Alya wringing her hair out with Mai's help, a small sigh coming from her. "Mai"Adaman says coming in. Mai looked over, and got to her feet, following him outside. "Keep an eye on Alya, Nick is up to his old tricks"Adaman mutters. "Got it, should I send out patrols"Mai asks. "No, Ember has his men posted around our camp, Melli, Iscan, Arezu and Sabi are also on the lookout"Adaman replied. Mai nodded, her Munchlax standing beside her. "How is she?"Adaman asks. "She took a nap once we got back, Drakeon and Delcatty watched over her for a little while as well, she's still doing well"Mai informs. A pair of hands grabbed his hoari, startling her. Alya smiled up at him, her expression softening.

Adaman sighed, and smiled at her. "Did you go talk to the others"Alya asks poking his cheek. "Why must you poke my cheek"Adaman chuckled. She smiled at him, poking his cheek more giggling. He gently pinched her cheeks, tugging on them a bit. "Adaman!"Alya whined. He released her and places a hand on her stomach, an arm wrapped around her. "Just keep resting and keeping your energy up, you're gonna need it"Adaman mutters.  "You're like a mother"Alya chuckled. "HEYYYYYY!" Eddie grinned bounding over, Gina following behind him. Adaman stared Gina down, narrowing his eyes, looking disturbed. "Calm down, I'm not gonna harm anyone nor an I apart of any diabolical plans"Gina chuckled. "Right, and I suppose I should trust you"Adaman tsked.

Alya poked his cheek, giving him a small smile. He sighed and looked away. "Know I'm watching you, Gina"Adaman warns. "I'm going to Jubilive Village"Alya says. "I'm going with her, don't worry"Mai grinned. Adaman yelled jn alarm, Eddie laughing when Ember landed beside the diamond clan leader. "Haha! Gotcha!"Ember grinned. "Adaman, Eddie, I wanna invite you both to see how we sort out our apprentices!"Ember grinned. "Hey, that sounds awesome, I wanna see!"Eddie grinned. "I'll be fine, you go ahead, you need to stick with your friends you know!"Alya smiled. Adaman made a face, something between hesitance and a pout. She smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I will be fine, I have Mai and Delcatty, and little Munchlax!"Alya smiled.

She walked(waddled) away, Eddie snickering behind Adaman. He looked sharply at his best friend, silencing the male near instantly. "What's so funny, bro?"Adaman asks. Eddie laughed, Adaman ruffling his hair, Ember laughing with them. Alya smiled, looking back at them, relieved Adaman had Ember and Eddie on his side. "Don't you think its funny how Adamans friends have names that start with E"Mai asks smiling a little. "Friends with E's at the beginning are good friends"Alya smiled. "Hm, for me I think it's those with A or J"Mai smiled. "Is that because of me and Arezu"Alya grinned. Mai laughed and nodded. "Yep! Who else!"Mai chuckled. Alya sighed, her expression softening. "I'm gonna miss you"Mai mutters looking down at her.

"You already know this is gonna have a bad ending don't you"Alya asks. Mai stopped and looked behind her, finding Delcatty and Munchlax gone. "Delcatty!"Alya calls alarmed. "Munchlax"Mai yells. Rustling came from the bushes, Mai hurrying over and parting then. "DEL, DEL!"Delcatty cried struggling inside a net, Munchlax struggling beside her. "Who did this!"Mai demands. "Me." Mai turned and branch colliding with her head. The hooded figure dropped the branch, then felt nails raked across their face. Gina glared at them, standing between them and Alya. "Bring it on"The male chuckled gesturing to Gina. Gina snorted, fixing the Luxray claws connected to her nails, before lunging at them.

Adaman watched the apprentice ceremony, smiling slightly, Irida and Kamado joining then a few seconds later. Ember stood in front of one of the clan children, his eyes closed. "You'll be a guard"Ember smiled opening his eyes. A wide smile appeared on the child's face as they cheered, leaping up and down excitedly. "I've always wanted to be a guard, they're so cool!!" Ember chuckled and beckoned the child's mentor over. "Chill, I hope you'll train her well"Ember grinned. "You can count on me, Ember"Chill swore. Ember walked to the next child, announcing then as a warrior, a woman named Ivy training the young boy. Adamsn glanced towards the cave prison where Fea was, finding Akiari guarding the entrance with a scary expression.

"Their ways is very interesting"Kamado mutters. "I think we could learn a thing or two from this clan"Irida agreed. "Snd finally, young one, you will become a healer"Ember announces smiling as the child beamed at him. "Cheryl, you'll train her"Ember grinned. Cheers filled the air, Eclipse Clan members pounding their sticks on hand made drums, grins on their faces as they celebrated. "May the stars shine bright as you children grow and become stronger"Ember chuckled. "Kamado, I wanted to ask, did Alya made it to the village"Adaman wonders. "Alya was coming to the village today, she never made it"Kamado says surprise evident on his face. Adamsn stared at him, Eddie looking alarmed beside him. "She never made it?!"Adaman yells.

"Gina arrived wounded and tired, she collapsed before we could ask her anything"Kamado informs. "But..she had a tuft of familar hair in her grip"Kamado adds hesitantly. "Familar"Eddie bristled gritting his teeth. "Fea is locked away, Gina is is coming to the good side because of Eddie..."Adaman mutters. "Nick!"Eddie gasped fighting it out already. The two took off, Irida following behind them looking worried. "MAI! ALYA!"Adaman yells looking around as he rushed towards Alyas usual path to Jubilive Village. "ADAMAN! ADAMAN!" He changed course, Eddie following close behind. Julie sat on her knees beside Alya, pressing something to the woman's neck, her eyes wide. "I found her like this! A Luxray attacked her!"Julie cried tears falling down her cheeks.

"Luxray attack, it wasn't Nick"Adaman demands hurrying over. "It was, Nick had a hypnotized Luxray, he ordered it to attack her!"Julie mumbles trembling. "Where's Gina"Eddie demands. "Gina was here"Julie mutters looking at him. "Run..." Julie looked down, Alya gripping Julie's wrist. " I made her run away, I didn't know you were coming Julie.."Alya mumbles. Adaman picked Alya up, Julie flinching in alarm. "I'll meet you at the village"Adamam says. He ran off, Julie staring in shock. "MAI!"Eddie gasped hurrying over to Mai, who was leaning against a tree. "Eddie"Mai mutters. "Come on, lets get you help, Adaman went ahead but I went think he'll make it"Eddie mumbles. "No...he'll make it"Mai says. "I know he will."

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