Chapter Eight

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Alya sat by a river, wringing her hair out letting out a small sigh, her Delcatty, Honchkrow, Spheal and Sneasel resting not far from her. Yep, she managed to get a Sneasel despite her run in with Chrissy, and lets just say this Sneasel was the sweetest little pokemon she's ever met. "Done"Alya says as she finished wringing the water out of her hair. She got up and sighed, fixing her hair. "BOO!" She screamed, and whirled around, Adaman grinning at her. "Hey love"Adaman smiled. She punched him outside his head, Adaman yelping. "Jerk!"Alya yelled. "Sorry"Adaman laughed rubbing his head, wincing a little. "I never knew you could hit hard"Adaman says. She rolled her eyes and picked a leaf off of her clothes, looking a little annoyed.

"Woah, you're gonna get wrinkles in your face..what's wrong... I've never seen you this picky and upset"Adaman says concerned knowing when Alya started getting picky about her appearance something was wrong. "Nothing is the problem!"Alya retorted coldly. "Something really upset you, what was it Alya"Adaman sighed. "Alya! Your stuff!"Mai called running over with Melli behind her. "Hm? What about it..."Alya asked. "Someone ransacked your stuff!"Melli informs shaking his head. "Ah...well that's bad luck on their part"Alya says looking away. "Hm?"Mai frowned looking at her. "There's a reason why I put all my stuff in that chest..."Alya says. "What reason?"Adaman repeated like a Chatot, turning to her in confusion.

"I put a poisonous plant on the lock of my chest, so I know who goes in and out of it, that's how I knew you took some of my food ingredients one time, Melli"Alya explains. "No wonder my hands got all itchy!"Melli gasped his eyes wide. "Was anything stolen?"Alya asks. "They stole that gift you got from Volo, a while back"Mai responded. "Hm...that thing he calls a Mystic Water, that's my favorite necklace..."Alya frowned looking offended. "Nobody in the tribe would steal from Alya, they respect her too much, including Melli.."Adaman frowned. "Hey!"Melli gasped his eyes wide. "I have a good idea of who stole it..."Alya says looking at them. "Who?"Mai asked. Alya whistled, her pokemon bounding over to her. "Melli you stay and watch my Eevee"Alya ordered. "Ah....okay..."Melli frowned.

Julie shook her head, playing another game with Sabi, a frown on her face. "Ah! Gotcha!"Julie grinned picking Sabi up when she found her. She perked up, spotting Alya, Adaman and Mai. "Hey!"Julie called. "Oh hey Julie, playing another game with Sabi!"Alya smiled looking at her. "Yep, she wouldn't stop pestering me"Julie chuckled. Alya smiled, then looked away, her expression going serious again. "Hey Chrissy!"Alya called walking over to her. "Thought you'd be gone after what you did..."Alya smiled taking a peek at Chrissy's startled face. "Oh dear! Look at her hands, they looked just like Melli's!"Alya smirked looking amused. Adaman ran over, his eyes wide as he looked at Chrissy's hands. "Chrissy?! Why!"Adaman demanded. "It's not like that, I got curious about her that's all!"Chrissy gasped.

Alya snorted, Adaman looking at her. "Hm...are you sure, yesterday you were calling me lower than dirt and saying that Adaman wouldn't want someone like that"Alya says tapping her chin, Adaman slowly turning his head back to Chrissy looking angry. "I think there was a slap involved as well, oh...I don't know"Alya sighed. "Is this why you were being picky today?"Mai asked. "Yeah..."Alya sighed shaking her head, looking a bit guilty. "I was hoping me and Chrissy could put it all behind us...but then she goes and pulls this stunt, my feelings are actually very hurt"Alya frowned. "Chrissy!" Chrissy flinched and looked at Adaman, bowing her head. "Where's Alya's necklace, return it to her now"Adaman demanded. Chrissy shakily took the necklace off, pulling it out of her shirt and handed it back to Alya.

Alya switch her necklace out, giving Chrissy some kind of small bottle. "Place that on your hands, and the itching will be gone by tomorrow, I'm too nice to even let someone like you suffer from this kind of thing"Alya says. She turned away, Mai following her. "Chrissy, what's the matter with you? you've never done something like this before..."Adaman asked staring at her. "You're always giving her attention! Sabi talks about her too much when I come to visit what is so important about some piece of dirt that fell out of the sky!"Chrissy snapped. "I love that piece of dirt"Adaman retorts silencing Chrissy. "I must be lower than the ground we walk upon as well then huh?"Adaman asks. He turned and walked away, Chrissy glaring after him, her eyes starting to water. "Fine Plan B.."Chrissy grinned glancing towards the icy ocean.

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