Chapter Eleven

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Adaman grumbled, wondering why he agreed to go on a three day adventure with Alya. Mai had practically threatened him into tagging along with her, and told him that she'd tie him upside down and let Luxrays take swipes at him if he didn't take a break. Alya leaped to the next rock, moving swiftly across the river. "How!"Adaman stared. He sighed and leaped to the next rock and yelled in alarm, falling into the river. "Adaman?"Alya blinked looking at him surprised. "Ugh! I've had it!"Adaman cursed climbing out of the river, shaking himself off. "How do you do it! Adventuring out here with just your pokemons help!"Adaman demanded looking at her.

"It's actually quite easy"Alya giggled. Her giggles turned into laughter as he threw her a small glare. "Go ahead and laugh! At least I don't act like a wild pokemon who can barely notice when someone needs help!"Adaman scowled. "Hey! Now just wait one second there mister! I didn't ask you to tag along!"Alya retorted giving him a glare. "Like I said, I've had it, I've had it with this journey and with you!"Adaman grumbled. "And like I said, I didn't ask you to tag along!"Alya spat. She turned away, crossing her arms over her chest, scowling angrily. Leafeon bounded over to Adaman and nudged him, making him perk up. Adaman groaned, realizing what he had done and looked at Alya.

"Alya..."Adaman says stepping towards her. Alya stayed silent, stepping away from him, her back still facing him. He stopped and turned away, grabbing a flower and walked around, holding it out to her. "I'm sorry, I'm just a little nervous about all of this.....forgive me..."Adaman says giving her a nervous smile. She stared at him, then smiled. "Alright"Alya chuckled. She stopped then sneezed, the pollen from the flower tickling her nose. She blinked, then laughed at the sight of flower petals on Adamans face. He chuckled and shook his head, looking amused. Alya reached up and picked a flower petal out of his hair, flicking it away.

"Come on, night will be upon us soon"Alya smiled. She grabbed his hand, walking beside him, their pokemon going ahead, finding a good area for them to rest. Honchkrow flew away, Leafeon and Sneasel running after him, vanishing into the greenery. "Camping!"Alya beamed looking at Adaman. He smiled at her, coming over to help. Honchkrow returned with berries, Sneasel and Leafeon following him. Alya beamed, washing the berries with Spheals help, a wide smile on her face. "Spheal"Adaman grinned. Alya yelped Spheal spraying her with water gun. Adaman cackled behind her, a grin on his face.

"Adaman!"Alya whined hitting his back, laughter coming from the man. He hugged her and pressed a kiss to her cheeks. "Adaman!"Alya squealed as he peppered kisses all over her face. She broke free, giggling a little. She yawned, and stretched, leaning against Honchkrow her Delcatty beside her. Sneasel sliced up the berries, helping Alya make something for them to eat. "What's that green powder stuff?"Adaman asked sitting beside her. "It helps digest the berries, some of these berries aren't good for eating, so I created this powder to let me be able to eat them and digest it without getting sick"Alya explains looking proud of herself.

"Nice!"Adaman grinned leaning against her. She handed him a bowl, smiling at him. "I'm surprised you managed to adapt to this place, when you first arrived you were always so jumpy and quick to scatter if anything scary happened"Adaman grinned. "Hey!"Alya gasped. "It's true, you always used to hide behind me! You wanted nobody but me near you, but you started warming up to everyone and became more independent, also very adventurous, you must take pride in worrying me"Adaman grinned. "I do!"Alya teased giggling. He laughed, finding this break not so bad, happy Mai forced him to do this. He stared at Alya, his expression softening.

"Oh! You found Sweet apples!"Alya beamed as Eevee bounded over with Sneasel. "Sweet apples?"Adaman blinked Eevee nudging one over to him. "These are delicious!"Alya beamed Sneasel slicing the apples into little slices. Alya grabbed one, and took a bite, letting out a happy giggle. "I missed these..."Alya sighed a soft smile on her face. Adaman yawned, stretching. He scratched his head and leaned back against Honchkrow. Honchkrow placed his head underneath his wing. Adaman fell asleep, Alya resting her head on his chest as she drifted into a peaceful slumber. Honchkrow placed his wing over them, keeping the two warm.

The sound of footsteps made Adaman open his eyes, finding Alya gone. He sat up, and looked skyward, noticing it was midnight. "Alya!"Adaman called getting to his feet. He spotted footsteps and paw prints, following them quickly. He walked up a hill, stumbling a little. "Alya..."Adaman says getting worried. He pushed through a clump of bushes, spotting a figure sitting at the top of a hill. He stepped closer, his eyes widening feeling his heart speed up. Alya smiled, sitting beside a Luxray, gently petting it, a shinx sleeping in her lap. She smiled, a soft expression on her face, Luxray nudging her affectionately. Adaman smiled, the wind blowing through his hair as he watched her.

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