Chapter Thirty-three

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Rei and Akari stood in the medical room, helping carry around supplies until Adaman came flying in with Alys in his arms. "HELP HER!"Adaman yells his eyes wide. Akari hurried over, Julie coming in behind the man. "Lay her on the bed"Julie orders quickly. Alys groaned, her eyes half opened. "You have to go Adaman, you're stressing yourself out"Pesselle says gently shooing the male out. "But-"Adaman started. "She'll be fine"Julie promised. "Adaman!" Ember hurried over just as the door to the room closed, Eddie following behind him. Adaman looked at the two, his body trembling. Eddie hugged him, Ember patting their friends back.

Irida ran in, Palina and Iscan behind her. "Everything alright"Irida demands. She stopped, Adaman looking at her. "Ah, sorry..."Irida mutters. "It's alright, buddy, she'll be fine"Eddie says as Mai approached with her head bandaged a little. "Mai!"Julie calls peeking out of the room. "Can you come aid us?"Julie asks a worried look on her face. Mai nodded and walked over. " too..please"Julie asks more quietly. Palina followed Mai, the two vanishing into the room. Ember and Eddie kept close to Adaman, giving him comfort as the others arrived. "Adaman"Melli says walking over, Gina beside him.

"Eddie...."Gina says quietly Akiari behind her. "Not now..."Eddie says. His eyes darted to Adamans face, Gina nodding deciding to stay quiet for the rest of the time. "I've never seen him this shaken up before"Ember mutters Eddie giving him a warning glare. "Adaman"Mai says a bit of blood coating her hands. Adaman looked up, his eyes wide. Palina came out next, wiping blood away with a towel. "...You should just go in"Mai orders quietly. Adaman walked past her, Eddie and Ember flanking him. "We're sorry, we lost her"Julie mutters tears falling down her cheeks. Ember looked around, then went over to Pesselle.

"They're so small." Adaman looked over, Eddie bounding over to Ember curiously. "Woah"Eddie grinned looking amazed. Adaman made his way over, staring down at three babies alarmed. "Adaman...Alys had two choices, to save herself or to save the little ones"Julie says walking over. "She chose the little ones..."Adaman mutters. Julie hesitated then nodded. "Did she name them"Adaman asks. "Right before she died, yes"Julie replied. "Their names"Adaman demands. "Alyssa, Asante and Athena"Julie says a small smile on her face. Adaman snorted, then started to laugh, covering his face. "Bro?"Eddie says looking at him.

"That conniving wench"Adaman scowled lowering his hand. He turned and walked away, Eddie hurrying after him. "Adaman, the triplets"Julie says surprised. Adaman stopped and looked at her. "Have them join the wench"Adaman commands. "Ember, let's go"Adaman orders turning away. Ember stayed silent, narrowing his eyes. "I'll take them"Ember says. Eddie looked at Ember alarmed, looking fearful. "Fine"Adaman snorted walking away. "Hey, wait up!"Eddie gasped following him. Ember started at the newborns, his eyes sparkling. He reached forward, gently touching Asante's hand. "Hey kids, I'm Uncle Ember"Ember grinned.

"They're so cute!"Irida smiled. "Too bad that jerk didn't see it..."Irida frowned narrowing her eyes. "Ember, I'll help you." Cyllene walked over, Ember looking surprised. "Alya was a good friend of mines, so they're also my responsibility"Cyllene says. Ember smiled in relief, looking calmer. "Thanks Ms Cyllene"Ember smiled. Cyllene nodded, glancing down at the triplets. Her Abra floated by the newborns, Ember's Sligoo beaming at them. "Ember!!" A guard from the Eclipse Clan hurried in, their eyes wide. "Fea is dead!" Ember started in shock. "Cyllene, I'll be back!"Ember promised running away. Akiari followed behind him.

"How'd this happen?!"Arezu demands staring at Nick's mauled body in the middle of a group of Luxrays. "Geez, he got what he deserves..."Arezu adds. "That's not the only one, follow me!"Ember calls running over Akiari carrying Fea's soaked body on his back. Arezu hurried down, following the two. Chrissy's body laid at the bottom of a ravine, Eddie standing on the edge looking stunned. "Eddie"Ember says concerned. Eddie glanced at him, then sighed and turned away. "Don't start an investigation"Eddie orders quietly. "What because Adaman went on a murder spree?!"Ember demands causing Eddie to freeze.

"You think I didn't noticed! Chrissy died falling from a ravine, Alya almost died the same way if it wasn't for her Drakeon! Fea died from drowning, you almost died that way Eddie, and Nick was mauled by wild Luxrays, We all almost died that way!"Ember yells. "Adamans killing off the three major problems in this land and I bet you helped him!"Ember snarled. "SO WHAT IF I DID! YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS IN WHAT WE DID!"Eddie snapped angrily. "Oh yeah, because I bet your precious Gina is next, since she was also part of one of these plans"Ember snarled furious. "You think you know everything, you know NOTHING!"Eddie spat.

"But I knew my two best friends well enough, to know that Adaman did this"Ember says quietly. "You had every right to kill them, but you also had no right to...and Adaman is able to get away with it too, since the Galaxy Team wouldn't want any conflict with him"Ember mutters. "They WILL find out Eddie, and you'll have to pay the price"Ember says. He turned and walked away. "And..tell Adaman this wasn't the way to go about protecting his kids from those three"Ember sighed shaking his head. Eddie started at him, Arezu glancing at him before walking away. "Yeah, Eddie, I know you both that well"Ember mutters.

"And I will protect these kids, until the day I die."

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