Chapters Twenty Three: 4 Weeks Later

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The sound of an explosion going off filed the air, Alya smiling at Sneasler. It had been four weeks since she started training herself and her pokemon. Ralts evolved into a Kirlia during a battle with Akari and the egg she gave to Honckrow hatched into a Riolu, Honckrow had been doting on the little guy as well. Drakeon laid beside Delcatty, the two curled up together as they slept in the shade, taking a break from their training. Alya stumbled, feeling dizzy for some reason. "Alya!" She turned and smiled, waving to Adaman, a tired look on her face. "Have you been getting sleep?"Adaman frowned gently touching her forehead. "I was gonna take a break and get some sleep"Alya chuckled.

"Did you faint again?"Adaman asks. "No, almost did though"Alya replied. "I think you should go and get checked up"Adaman frowned. "I'll see if Palina can come with me"Alya says. She whistled Honckrow leaving Riolu with Kirlia and taking off into the air, flying away. "Will you be alright, I have to take care of a few things, I'll catch up with you"Adaman sighed. "Yeah, I'll be fine, I have my buddies with me"Alya grinned. Sneasler walked over, helping her walk forward. Drakeon looked up, then nudged Delcatty awake, the two bounding after the others. Adaman rubbed the back of his head, then sighed and turned, walking back to the settlement. "I hope she'll be alright"Adamam mutters.

Alya waited outside, scanning the sky. Honckrow flew into view and landed, Palina sliding down off his back. "Irida knows I'm here"Palina smiled. "Arezu is inside, she insisted on coming"Alya nodded. The two walked inside, their pokemon waiting outside. "Come on, come on! I hope this is what I think it is!"Arezu beamed pushing Alya forward. Julie stood in the medical room, practicing bandaging up a dummy arm, practicing first aid. "Hey Julie"Alya smiled. "Hey Ms Alya, how the training going!"Julie beamed. "Going well, I just need a checkup"Alya chuckled patting her head. "I'll take care of it! I'm practicing healing!"Julie beamed. Palina watched the two looking curious, Arezu grinning beside her.

"What did you mean earlier"Palina asks looking at the redhead. "Don't worry"Arezu giggled. "Now, I'm even more curious"Palina smiled raising a brow. "Starts with a B and ends with a Y!"Arezu grinned. "....a baby..."Palina says. Arezu grinned looking cheeky, Palinas eyes starting to sparkle. Alya perked up, Julie looking down at Riolu as he padded up to her. "Lu!"Riolu says raising his arms. Julie lifted him up, Riolu staring at Alya's stomach. He patted her belly, causing her eyes to widen in alarm. Alya covered her mouth, remembering her and Adamans intimate moments immediately. "Ms Alya"Julie says concerned. "Rio"Riolu blinked. "I feel fine now Julie, keep doing well with your training"Alya smiled getting up.

Riolu hurried after her, following at her heels. "Alya!"Adaman calls coming in, Leafeon following behind him. Alya silently hugged him, her eyes closed. "You alright"Adaman blinked. "I wanna go back and sleep..."Alya mutters. "You sure?"Adaman asks. She fell limp in his grip, his eyes widening in alarm. "She's fine! Don't worry!"Arezu smiled hurrying over. "She just fainted"Adamam retorts. Palina walked over, helping Alya onto Adamans back. "You sure she'll be okay"Adamam demands. "Yep!"Arezu grinned. "I'll come with you halfway"Palina smiled petting Riolu as the little pokemon hugged her leg. Julie watched them go, a small smile on her face as she hurried away.

"Rei, Akari!"Julie smiled. "Yeah?"Rei says looking up. "Ms Alya might have a baby!"Julie beamed. The two started at her, looking startled. The sound of papers dropping startled the three, Laventon staring at them. "Baby?!"Laventon yells. The trio practically wrangled him into his work room, looking alarmed by his shout. "Why did I hear someone say baby?"Cyllene asks walking over. "Ms Alya might have a baby!"Akari replied immediately. Cyllene smiled, a scary aura waving off of her. "Adamans doing I suppose"Cyllene asks. "We should pray for Adaman, everyone knows how Cyllene feels about Alya, they're like sisters"Julie chuckled looking nervous. "We can't tell anyone else though!"Julie says quickly. "Alright."

Adaman stared at Alya, Riolu and Drakeon beside him. Riolu looked at Adaman, then padded forward, placing his paws on Alya's stomach looking up at the male. Adamans eyes widened, before reaching over, shaking Alya awake. "Adaman?!!"Alya says startled. "Are you pregnant?!"Adaman demanded. Alya looked at Riolu, her eyes wide, then looked down sighing. "Yes....I just found out today...I didn't know how to tell you..."Alya sighed. Adaman hugged her tight, startling her. She smiled slightly, leaning against him silently. A male Luxray watched the Diamond Clan Settlement, Two Shinx's at his paws. He turned and padded away, the Shinx's bounding after him, as he headed home.

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