Chapter Twelve

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Alya leaped across the stones swiftly, Adaman leaping after her a grin on his face. He slipped and fell into the water, laughter coming from him and Alya. He leaped out, Alya screaming as she ran away. He chased after her, Alya looking back at him as she dodged his attempted grab. He tackled her, both tumbling across the ground till he was on top. "Gotcha"Adaman grinned. She shoved him off her and sat up giggling. She pressed a kiss to his cheek, causing his face to turn a light shade of red. "Gotcha"Alya teased giggling. She blew a leaf off his head, and ruffled his hair a little. Delcatty leaped into her arms, Sneasel and Spheal leaping onto Adaman.

"Hey guys! Sorry we left you behind! Our bad"Adaman chuckled petting Honchkrow. "Honchkrow is a good babysitter"Alya smiled. Honchkrow nodded, looking proud of himself. Adaman sat up, a grin on his face. "You guys go on ahead of us, we'll catch up"Adaman smiled petting his Leafeon. Leafeon bounded away, Alya's pokemon following. Adaman sighed and stretched, giving her a small grin. "You're still soaking wet!"Alya squealed as Adaman hugged her. He laughed, grinning down at her then shook his head, Alya laughed and playfully shoved him off, running away. He got up, following her, Chrissy staring at them from a tree branch.

Alya leaped across a river, landing on the other side. She sighed and looked at the river. Adaman smiled at her, his expression softening at the sight of her happy expression. He backed away and leaped into the water, splashing Alya. Alya gasped, and spit out a bit of water. He grabbed her, and snatched her into the water. "ADAMAN!"Alya shrieked. She climbed out of the water, Adaman laughing as he floated around on his back. "Scared of a bit of water my dear"Adaman teased. "Jerk!"Alya says wringing her hair out. "You know you love me!"Adaman smirked. "That's why I'm dating you aren't I"Alya grinned flipping her hair back, giving him an amused look.

"Hmmm..yes, yes that is why you're with me"Adaman grinned. He climbed out, and popped his joints. "Wanna catch up with the Pokemon?"Adaman asked. "Yep!"Alya nodded getting up. She shook herself down, water flying in all directions. Adaman shielded his face chuckling, and got to his feet, walking beside her. She smiled at him and blew a bit of hair out of her face. "You're lucky your hair doesn't get all puffy"Adaman grinned shaking his head. She giggled, water hitting her cheek and arm. She went ahead of him, Adaman following close behind, both finding the Pokemon frolicking in a flower field. "Wanna join them?"Alya asked.

"Sure, why not"Adaman nodded. She grinned and tackled him, laughing as they tumbled down the hill. Both rolled to a stop, Alya laughing as she jumped up. "You cheeky little"Adaman smirked lifting some of his hair from over his eyes. She stuck her tongue out at him and bounded away. "What should we do?"Adaman asked. "It's only the first day, we have tomorrow and the day after that to find something to do"Alya grinned. "I thought yesterday was the first day!"Adaman gasped. "Nope"Alya giggled smirking at him. He sighed and smiled at her, getting to his feet. "Oh! I've always wanted to find a Raltz, give Eevee someone to play with!"Alya beamed.

"A Raltz..."Adaman muttered tapping his chin, walking ahead of her. Delcatty bumped her head against his leg, causing him to look down curiously. "Catty!"Delcatty beamed flicking her tail northeast. "Smell one girl?"Adaman asked petting her. Delcatty nodded, beaming at him. "First lets dry off"Alya insists. Honchkrow spread his wings out, flapping them at the two, drying them and their clothes off. Alya covered her eyes, Adaman grinning slightly in amusement. "Krow!"Honchkrow beamed folding his wings, looking proud. Alya chuckled and scratched Honchkrow's neck, giving him a proud look. "Good job"Alya chuckled.

Eevee bounded around Adaman's feet, earning a small grin from him. "I wonder what you're gonna turn into girl"Adaman says petting the Eevee. "Now lets go search for that Raltz!"Alya smiled looking at him. Honchkrow took to the air, Sneasel on his back the two going to keep watch from the sky. Delcatty and Leafeon took the lead, Spheal behind them. Eevee climbed up onto Alya's shoulder, wagging her tail excitedly. "I feel like we're being watched"Alya muttered. "Don't worry....I feel it to"Adaman muttered back glancing around. Alya looked around, until Delcatty nudged her hand. "Right, let's go"Alya nodded.

She walked after Delcatty and Leafeon, her hair swaying behind her. "I do wonder what she'll turn into"Alya smiled petting Eevee. "Vee!"Eevee beamed rubbing her head against Alya's palm. "Eon!"Leafeon called looking back at them. The duo ran over, Alya holding Eevee in her arms. A Raltz wondered around, looking at a few flowers that were starting to bloom. "It's so cute"Alya muttered her eyes starting to sparkle. Adaman nodded, watching the Raltz try to pick one of the pink flowers. "Eevee, stay here"Alya says setting Eevee down. She stepped out, quietly coming closer to the Raltz. She froze her eyes widening. "RALTZ!"Alya yelled. Talons closed around the Raltz, a Starapter lifting into the air with it.

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