Chapter Twenty One

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Adaman sat in his tent, his eyes narrowed, thinking about what Alya had spoken to him about, looking worried. He sighed and got to his feet, Leafeon looking up at him. "Adaman!" Alya came in, her eyes wide, looking desperate. "Alya?!"Adaman says concerned. "I need your help!"Alya pleaded. She pulled him outside, Melli and Mai tending to a female Luxray that had a net caught around it's throat. "She's still weak, do you have anymore of those berries we brought back"Aya says worriedly. "Give me a quick second"Adaman nodded. He vanished into his tent, Alya gently petting the Luxray, looking worried. He returned with an oran berry, helping the weak pokemon eat it.

Alya smiled, petting the wild Luxray. "We should take her back"Adaman sureturn. "Is that a good idea"Mai asks. "If there's a female, there's likely that there's a male searching for her, if i were in his place I'd be searching for my partner and angrily attacking people and pokemon. "Then we should tale her back"Melli frowned. "You come back tomorrow for a checkup"Alya says as Adaman picked the Luxray up. She grinned at Adaman, warning a small smile from hom in return. "Didn't know you were so strong"Alya teased. "I've been protecting you all this time, looks like it came in handy"Adaman smiled. "We'll return her"Alya smiled. She walked away beside Adaman, Delcatty and Leafeon following behind them.

The two walked until growling came from in front of them. A male Luxray came into view, growling at them, two eggs being shielded behind him. "Oh they're gonna be parents!"Alya beamed her eyes sparkling. She stepped forward, Adamans eyes widening. "We're your friends, we wanna return your partner that's it"Alya smiled. The Luxray calmed down almost instantly, staring at her with clear surprise. Adaman walked forward and set the female Luxray down, respectfully backing away as the male hurried forward. "Lets go"Adaman says taking Alya's hand. Alya walked beside him, looking back at the Two Luxray, finding the female looking back af her. "Bye"Alya smiled waving.

"Adaman, do you think the Luxray symbolized us..."Alya asks. "I'm not sure, we don't have any kids and you're not expecting"Adaman replied looking down at her. "Yeah, I guess it was a silly thought"Alya chuckled rubbing the back of her head. Adaman pulled her close, pressing his lips against hers, startling her. He pulled away, smiling at her. "I wouldn't mind children, you'd be a great mother"Adaman smiled. Alya stared them beamed and laughed. "You'd make a fun father!"Alya beamed. She skipped ahead of him, grinning back at her lover. Adaman patted her head, smiling a little. "You're silly"Adaman says grabbing her hand. She grinned at him, walking beside him towards the sunset, a gentle breeze blowing through their hair.

Mai stood at the entrance, waving to the two as they walked over. "The Luxray is safe with her partner"Alya giggled beaming. "That's good"Mai smiled. "How are you two doing?"Mai asks. "We're doing well, I'm still worried that a certain someone will pop out of nowhere and ruin things"Adaman replied. Alya nodded in agreement, looking nervous. Mai and Alya stared at each other, making him perk up. "Oh, is this something private?"Adaman asks. "Yes"Mai replied glancing at him. Adamsn nodded and walked away, leaving them be. "Did you talk with Adaman"Mai demands. Alya looked down, a guilty look on her face. "Alya, you need to tell Adaman, that you have to die to keep the peace here"Mai sighed.

Adaman stroked Delcatty, Leafeon sitting on their hunches beside him. "You think Alya is hiding something from me?"Adaman asks. "Del, Del!"Delcatty replied flicking her tail. "Adaman." Alya smiled at him, a nervous look on her face. "Yeah?"Adaman says concerned, getting to his feet. She stared at him, then sighed. "I'm feeling a bit stressed, with Nick and everything...I was wondering if you'd like to take a bath with me"Alya smiled. "Alright, if it's to help you calm down"Adaman smiled gently stroking her cheek. "Adaman, before you take a bath, we have a guest"Mai says peeking in. Adaman headed outside, finding Eddie there. "Hey guys, how are ya!"Eddie smiled.

Alya peeked out from behind Adaman, Eddie waving to her. "Glad to see yore doing alright Ms Alya"Eddie chuckled. She smiled shyly, and waved. "I've been keeping taps on Chrissy, she's doing better now that she's no longer part of the clan"Eddie reports. Alya blinked, watching the two boys conversate, Delcatty standing beside her, watching attention. "Oh sorry girl"Alya mutters petting Delcatty, earning a happy smile from her partner. "Go find the others, tomorrow we're heading out to check something"Alya smiled. "Thanks Eddie"Adaman smiled nodded. "Come on Alya"Adaman says pulling her away. "Lets help you Relax a little"Adaman grinned. She chuckled, following him, Mai staring after them then sighing.

Water was poured on Alya's head, Adaman grinning down at her. "Are tou not getting in?"Alya asks looking back at him. "Are you seducing me"Adaman smirked. Alya blushed, looking flustered, her eyes wide. "What if I am"Alya smiled tilting her head to the side, acting innocent. "I don't like that innocent act of yours"Adaman grinned. "Innocent"Alya giggled blinking twice. Adaman narrowed his eyes, staring at her, noticing how her hands were trembling. He stared at her, looking concerned. "Alya-"Adama starts. Alya grabbed him, pulling him into the water, the two vanishing underneath the surface. Adaman surfaced and chuckled. "That's why you were shaking"Adaman grinned. He took his shirt off, tossing it away. "You brought this upon yourself"Adaman grinned.

Drakeon padded through the woods, flicking his tail silently, looking annoyed as he glanced around. "Drak!"Drakeon calls looking for someone, flicking his tail again. He thumped his tail on the ground, narrowing his eyes when the other didn't respond. Rustling came from behind a few bushes, making him perk up. "Drak!"Drakeon calls. He pushed through a clump of bushes, his eyes widening. A Sylveon laid on her wide, her eyes half open. Drakeon dashed over, his eyes wide, his ears flattened back. "Drak...."Drakeon muttered. He laid beside the Sylveon, his ears twitching sadly. He looked up finding Enamourus staring down at him. He looked away, his eyes closed, a tear falling down his cheek.

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