Chapter Thirteen

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Adaman dashes past Alya, his eyes wide. He leaped up, grabbing onto the Starapter, causing it to try and shake him off. "Adaman!"Alya yelled hurrying over, her eyes wide in alarm. The Starapter spun and launched Adaman off. He hit a tree, a cracking sound coming from him. Adaman hit the ground, laying still on his side. She stared, her eyes wide in alarm. "Krow!"Honchkrow yelled snapping her out of it. "Honckrow use air slash, knock it out of the air!"Alya yelled. Honckrow lifted into the air, and gave a powerful flap of his wings, sending forth a storm of air blades. "Delcatty swift!"Alya went on. Delcatty leaped onto a tree and launched herself into the air.

She lashed her tail, releasing a storm of stars. Eevee bounded forward but Spheal stopped her. "Spheal use ice beam!"Alya ordered holding her hands out. Spheal leaped into the palms of her hand and was launched into the air. He spun and released a beam of ice. An explosion went off, alerting a male nearby. Starapter fell to the ground, Raltz rolling away from it. "You alright!"Alya asked picking the Raltz up. Spheal rammed into her side, knocking her out of the way as Starapter attacked. "Spheal!"Alya yelled. Spheal glared at Starapter, it's head pressed against Starapters, keeping it from being trampled. Adaman groaned, Leafeon nudging him upright.

"You okay"Alya asked looking over at him. A bright glow flowed across the field, Spheal starting to grow in size, changing shape. He reappeared, a cold glare on his face. "Sealeo!"Alya smiled. Sealeo raised his tail and launched himself into the air, slamming down on Starapters back. He rolled off, Delcatty landing beside him, Honckrow circling from above. "Le"Sealeo glared. Starapter flinched and took off into the air, flying away as quick as it could. "You have a bump on your head..."Alya says touching Adaman's forehead. Raltz patted Adaman's hand, staring up at him. "You alright little one"Adaman grinned petting Raltz.

"Nice battle!" Delcatty started to growl, a wild look in her eyes. A male that looked identical to Chrissy walked out, a grin on his face. "I'm Eddie, Chrissy's brother"The male greeted bowing his head. "You're Pearl clan..."Adaman says Alya helping him get to his feet. "Yowch! That's an ugly bump, come to my camp, let me get you all fixed up"Eddie winced. He turned walking away, Honckrow carrying Adaman on his back, walking carefully after him. "I heard the explosion so I came running! You're a great battler!"Eddie grinned looking at Alya. She stared at him, a hand on Adamans back, staying beside him. Eddie smiled and looked away, continuing onwards.

Chrissy looked up, her brother stepping out of the bushes. Her eyes widened, Alya coming out with Adaman and their pokemon. Alya stopped, staring at her. "YOU!" Alya and Chrissy growled, glaring at each other, bristling. Eddie laughed, looking amused. "You guys must really hate each other!"Eddie laughed walking over. His expression changed immediately, a scary look now on his face. "I have a patient to heal do why don't you two shut your dumb traps and let me do my darn job..."Eddie says lowly, staring then both down. Both trembled underneath his gaze, nodding quickly. "Good!"Eddie beamed going happy go lucky again.

"Honchrow, lay the poor guy down on the blanket over there"Eddie smiled walking over to a dark blue blanket on the ground. Honchkrow spread his wing out, tilting to the side, slowly sliding Adaman down onto the blanket. Alya sat five meters away from Chrissy, both staying silent. "You're dangerous, I'm surprised Adaman doesn't see it"Chrissy comments glancing at her. "I'm not dangerous"Alya retorted. "That bump on Adamans head says otherwise, you can deny it all you want, but with you around nobody will ever be safe"Chrissy retorted right back at her. Alya stared at her, Raltz patting her leg, getting her attention.

"I'm fine"Alya smiled petting the Raltz. "No, she's not....she knows she doesn't belong with in clans or with the Galaxy Team, but she's just trying to convince herself that she belongs here"Chrissy corrects getting to her feet. "What is your problem with me"Alya demanded getting up as well, Delcatty quickly leaping between them, keeping them from physically fighting while Eddie worked. "You don't belong here, that is my problem with you!"Chrissy spat. "I do belong here!"Alya retorted. "You don't! You think you belong here, but really you don't! You're gonna get someone killed! Why don't you go get mauled by a wild pokemon or something!"Chrissy snapped Alya staring at her silently.

"CHRISSY!"Eddie shouted. He walked over, and glared at his sister. "Apologize, Alya has every right to live where she wants"Eddie glared. "I meant what I said, I refuse to apologize"Chrissy snorted. "Chrissy, go sit in the tent, we'll talk about this later"Eddie scowled. Chrissy rolled her eyes and walked away, vanishing into the tent. "I'm sorry about my sister, she's not normally like this"Eddie sighed shaking his head disappointed. "She's fine"Alya responded. "Adaman is asleep, the bump will go down tomorrow"Eddie informs placing a hand on her shoulder. She nodded, glancing away, wondering if Chrissy was right about her.

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