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The sound of laughter filled the air, a tribe settled by a river, three kids running away from a flaming orange long haired man. "Alyssa!"The mane laughed splashing the blond haired girl. A blond haired boy with light and dark blue roots, splashed the man, laughter coming from them. A small girl with short brown hair and golden yellow eyes sat beside a blue haired woman, smiling as she watched them. "Uncle Ember!"The blond haired girl laughed. Ember picked the girl up, laughing as he made Braviary sounds, pretending to make the four year old fly. "Cyllene, behind you!"Ember grinned. Cyllene grabbed the blond boy with blue roots, smiling at him.

"Athena, Asante, come play!"Ember grinned. "Alyssa, look out incoming crash!"Ember gasped. Alyssa laughed, letting out a squeal as Ember playfully held her upside down. "Oh no! The Braviary crashed!"Ember grinned laying Alyssa down on the ground. "Uncle Ember, no fair!"Alyssa giggled beaming at him. Ember blew a raspberry on her stomach, Alyssa laughing. "Ember!"Akiari calls walking over with his apprentice. "Oh, hey kids!"Akiari smiled. "Hi Uncle Akiari!" Cyllene nodded to the male, Asante sitting in her lap. "Yeah, Aki?"Ember says looking serious now. Cyllene got up, playing with the kids, a small smile on her face as they chased her around.

"Palina is here to pick up the triplets"Akiari informs. "AUNTIE PALINA IS HERE!!!!" Palina laughed, smiling as the kids ran over to her. "Did you bring seashells!"Asante asks his eyes sparkling. "Or a shiny stone!"Alyssa says. "Or pearls!"Athena beamed. "Yes, yes, and yes"Palina chuckled. Alyssa beamed, Palina handing her a shiny see through stone. Asante beamed, looking at the seashell brought to him. Athena stared at the pearl amazed, a wide smile on her face. "Thanks Auntie Palina!" Palina nodded and beckoned them to follow her. "Be good for her, kids"Ember calls. "We will!"Asante promises.

The sound of splashing water filled the air. Palina diving into the water and surfacing. "Come on kids!"Palina beckons, Iscan watching them. Asante held his breath and leaped into the water. Athena and Alyssa followed behind him, the trio looking around. Palina vanished under the surface, swimming after them. She looked around and smiled. Athena held onto a swimming Gyarados, smiling as she looked around. The wild Gyarados looked back at her, before swimming a little slower. Palina surfaced, and smiled at Iscan. "Athena is just like her mother, she had an affinity for getting wild Pokemon to like her just upon seeing her"Palina smiled.

Gyarados leaped out of the water, Athena laughing as he dove back in. Alyssa swam around the reef, smiling at the Pokemon she saw. Asante swam past her, looking around silently. A hand grabbed his arms, Palina pulling him to the surface. Alyssa looked as the two popped into view, Athena surfacing not far. "Wanna feed the Gyarados"Palina grinned. "Yeah!"Asante beamed. Palina smiled, handing the kids some balms. Iscan stepped into the water, joining them, silently helping them feed the wild Gyarados. Palina patted Athena's head, smiling as she watched the three kids laugh and pet Gyarados. A male watched them from a cliff then snorted and walked away.

A white haired woman laid beside a figure, the male beside her getting up. "Eddie, where are you going?" Eddie looked back at her, several scars on his face. "To see Adaman, wanna come with, Gina"Eddie smiled. Gina nodded and got up, following him. "He'll meet us halfway with Lucy"Eddie says. "Eddie!" Adaman walked over, wearing his usual style but with a hoari that had flower patterns and a shawl tied around his waist. Lucy walked beside him, looking serious. "Hey Adaman"Eddie smiled. Gina glared at Lucy, her arms crossed over her chest. "Why is she here"Gina asks. "I'm Adamans wife, but someone like you wouldn't remember that"Lucy spat.

Gina hissed at Lucy, earning a glare in return. Adaman stayed silent, a cold emotionless expression on his face. "You doing alright?"Eddie asks as Lucy and Gina scowled at each other. "I'm fine, stop asking that"Adaman glared his eyes growing colder. "I helo Adaman lead the Diamond Clan, you should show more respect!"Lucy spat the two men looking at them. "You aren't half the leader my sister, Alya, once was!"Gina snapped. "I WON'T LET A DEAD WOMANS SISTER DISRESPECT ME!"Lucy yelled getting ready to lunge at her. "Bring it!"Gina spat looking ready. "Stop it, both of you"Adaman commands practical venom in his tone.

Lucy flinched, her eyes wide. Eddie chuckled a little, looking amazed. "How's your newest scar"Adaman asks pointing to the scar across Eddie's cheek. "Healing"Eddie asks. "...and what about them.."Adaman asks. "They're playing with Palina and Iscan"Eddie reported. Adaman nodded, looking down, then back at his friend. "And....Ember..."Adaman asks. "The Eclipse Clan is gonna move again temporarily soon"Eddie answers yawning. "Mama!" Lucy smiled and turned, finding a small girl with white hair that had blue ends running over. Adaman snarled, a scowl now on his face as he stepped away.

"Jean!"Lucy smiled hugging her daughter. She pressed a kiss to the girls cheek, Jean laughing. "Papa"Jean smiled looking at Adaman. "Call me that again, and you'll loose your tongue"Adaman scowled. "..only that disgusting wench got away with calling me out my name"Adaman snarled turning away, feeling irritated. "Lucy, take your brat back to the camp"Adaman orders angrily. "Adaman, she's-"Lucy says. "I have no children"Adaman says a scary look now on his face. Lucy trembled, then walked away with Jean. Adaman sighed, and touched his head. A brown haired ghostly figure appeared behind him, their arms wrapped around his neck.

"And the wench still won't leave me alone, all because of those Diamond Children."

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