Chapter Twenty Two

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Alya stared at a mountain, the wind blowing through her hair, a small smile on her face. She walked forward with Delcatty, the two heading up the path. She looked back, wondering where Drakeon was since she hadn't seem him since yesterday. "I hope he's okay"Alya muttered. "Catty!"Delcatty calls looking back at her, flicking her tail. Alya ran over, staring at the cave silently, looking surprised as she stepped inside, feeling a strong pull. Delcatry padded after her, looking cautious with how dark it was. "Don't worry Delcatty, the others are on standby"Alya assures. She shrieked in alarm, shielding her face as a strong wind came from in front of her. She opened her eyes, staring in amazement at the sight of the glowing white flower.

"What is this.."Alya mutters her eyes sparkling. "DEL!!"Delcatty yells tackling her down as wind blades flew at her. Alya looked up, finding something large moving around in the shadows. "What is that..."Alya mutters stunned. More wind blades flew at the duo, Alya raising her hands, her eyes wide as a shield appeared. Something flew past her, Enamourus glaring at the mysterious attacker, causing them to retreat deeper into the cave. She floated down and grabbed Alya's hand, pulling her up. "Why have you seemed me out?" Alya flinched at the voice in her head, looking startled. "I...I wanna know more about why I'm like this! Why do I have to die so Nick's rampage can stop!"Alya says quickly.

"C-Can't I just be happy with Adaman..start a family and just be at peace"Alya asks quietly. The rose behind her glowed, her eyes widening. The light vanished, Alya finding herself in the middle of a burning land, a startled look on her face. Mai laid not far from her, burn marks littered across her body, Melli laying half submerged in a lake, his eyes half opened. Alya fell to her knees, finding herself back in the cave, her body trembling. "Enamourus, I want you to train me"Alya says looking up at her. "I refuse to die, and I refuse to let Nick destroy the home I love so much"Alya says getting to her feet, a newfound determined glint in her eyes. Enamourus smiled and nodded. "I will give you a month, if you can show me you've gotten stronger in a month, we shall train."

Alya nodded, smiling. "Deal! So just watch me get stronger! Nick will regret messing with me and my loved ones!"Alya grinned. Enamourus patted Alya's head, giving her a soft smile. "Go on, head home." Alya waved and hurried away, Delcatty bounding after her. Enamourus watched them go, before floating upwards, heading over to a cliff, a baby basket with toys at the top. "You almost killed my daughter." Enaourus turned to Tornadus, glaring at him. "You know why I lied to those mortals about not knowing why I was connected to her, but that gave you no right to try and hurt what's mine." Enamourus turned and floated away, Tornadus keeping guard over the entrance.

Alya walked across the field, smiling as she wind blew through her hair. Something purple ran towards her, causing her to perk up. "Drakeon!"Alya beamed. Drakeon started budding her leg with his head, then ran off. "Wait!!"Alya calls following him. Honckrow glided overhead, the others sitting on his back watching either confusion. Alya stared, finding Adaman kneeled down beside Mai and Iscan. "Guys?"Alya stared concerned. Adaman looked at her, her eyes widening when she spotted the Sylveon. "Alya?"Isca  says looking at her. Alya stared, her breathing speeding up, her hand gripping her chest. She fell backwards, falling unconscious. "ALYA!"Adaman yells.

Something pressed against her face, Alya's eyes opening instantly. She gasped, gripping her blanket. "You're awake!"Julie smiled relived. "Adaman brought you to us! He said you fainted after seeing a Sylveon, your body was shaking and you kept unconsciously biting Adamans hand"Rei informs. "Seizure, they called it a seizure"Akari corrects. Julie nodded, looking at her friend. Drakeon laid curled up at the end of the bed, looking as if he was having a nightmare. "Where's my pokemon?"Alya asks. "They're fine, your Sneadel evolved as well!"Julie smiled. "Sneasel..."Alya smiled. A Sneasler walked in, Honckrow, Sealeo and Delcatty behind him. Raltz rode on Sneaslers back, beaming.

Alya got up, looking down. "Is the Sylveon alright"Alya asks petting Drakeon. "No...we don't know what happened to her, but...she never made it Julie replied. "Drakeon"Alya mutters. Drakeon trembled, her hand gently stroking his ear, calming him down. "I need to get stronger....I wanna stop Nick permanently, I wanna make sure he doesn't bring harm to anyone, I don't know if he harmed the Sylveon, but I will make sure no other pokemon ends up the sam way"Alya mutters. Drakeon opened his eyes and looked up at her. "Drak!"Drakeon smiled getting up. "You'll help me?"Alya smiled. Drakeon nodded, beaming at her. "We'll help too!"Julie beamed. "Thank you"Alya smiled Enamourus watching with a small smile.

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