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If he had to admit it, life had been particularly dull for Levi. He expected himself to just work through his break-up, but he hadn't managed to do that.

He missed a lot of what they shared, but mostly, he missed the simplicity of her company, which could not be that easily replaced. He had tried but failed miserably.

He couldn't fuck away his feelings if he tried, there was no remedy other than work that seemingly distracted him just enough.

He had been practising a lot more flexibility in his work since becoming a board member, he was congratulated in person by his parents.

It turns out that despite not becoming a senator, his father's political stakes were still high by having his son on the board of a major banking firm.

This didn't change much about his relationship with his parents, he remained steadfast in keeping enough respectful distance. He found that it benefited him mentally to do this.

Since he was a board member, he had more downtime to finally pursue a passion he manage to develop: sculpting.

It was strange to everyone else but he was truly fascinated by the art of moulding something beautiful with his hands and he had become serious with it as he joined a weekly class near his apartment building.

He was moulding another large sculpture that he knew would only replicate similar features of the head ones he completed.

After all, she was always gonna be his muse, that was a given. It was only fair since she hadn't left his head since that day.

Although he had gotten on with her father, it seemed that even that wasn't enough to stop her from ending the relationship.

He heeded what her father told him that day and let go before he could say something nasty.

He knew he was wrong for thinking that way but he loved her so much that he couldn't fathom why she ended it all. And also, he didn't have the privilege of getting comfort from his parents in a situation like this. His boys did what they could but not having a parental figure to confide in was tough.

The fondness he saw her share with her father that day made him feel sad about the kind of relationship he had with his.

He saw what it would look like if he received an ounce of affection from either parent, from the joyous laughter to the strong hugs that could melt away any stress.

It was times like these when he longed for it since his Aunt Erica had passed. She was nothing like his mother, and for that, his father's family made sure to treat her like the black sheep they believed her to be.

Within the short time that he knew her, he experienced the kind of love and affection that one gets when they are truly valued.

He worked hard to impress his aunt, who had been so instrumental in making him who he was today.

As he thought back to that night, he wasn't expecting Sabrina to drop such a bomb on him like that. 


It was a shock but as she rambled, he thought about what life would look like if they did become parents.

He knew that he would be better than his father ever was. His kid would be showered with attention, affection, and more.

His kid

It was crazy to think about, but he meant it when he said they would work through it, but she didn't see it that way.

That text only added insult to injury. He was in two minds when he saw that she wasn't pregnant. A part of him desperately wanted to be the dad he never had, and the other part was relieved that she wasn't.

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