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" My, my, my. Lord, thank you for these sexy ass women you put in front of me. Amen," Marcus uttered, advancing toward some of the women in the resort.

Levi couldn't help but be amused at his behaviour. One would think that Marcus had never been around women before.

He never really had to do much to get their attention. They were always drawn to him and he showed them a slice of heaven, hoping they would understand what it was and go.

But unfortunately, he learned that he unwittingly dickmatized some of these women so that they would blow him up, talking about ' when you gonna take me out ' you and me, we go together'.

He knew how to put it down but it never quite ceased to amaze him how women behaved after the fact.

His mind still travelled back to her, the smoothness of her laugh to the sexiness of her caramel coils adorning her beautiful face.

He had to know her.

That was a given, his time in Antigua pursuing anyone else was redundant, and his only conquest needed to be her.

And just like that the piece he was puzzling landed right in his lap, her svelte curvy figure was adorned with a gold two-piece that insisted on emphasizing the colour of her hair and enhanced the warmth of her chestnut complexion that much further.

For the first time in his life, he was in complete awe of a woman and all she was doing right now was playing volleyball with her friends.

Marcus followed Levi's line of vision, smirking at the sight of the gorgeous woman in front of them.

" You going in?" Marcus stood, anticipating his answer.

" Yeah"

"Which one?"

" The one in gold" Levi responded, eyeing her swift and precise moves.

As he approached her, she was running back towards where her water was.

Her body collided with his, and in that small juncture, he felt the delicate touch of her skin as it hit him.

A slow swivel of her body and he was graced with that alluring beauty once again. He hadn't realized that he was just standing there, taking her in until her mouth formed an easy smile as she started talking.

" Thank you for getting my water,....." She said softly, resting her warm pampered hand on the curve of his pec.

There go his nerves again, he couldn't believe that she had this effect on him with very little interaction.

" Levi. I'm hearing an accent. Where you from?" He figured that he might as well match her energy, moving his hand over hers and holding it.

" The UK. I'm also detecting an accent. The US, right?" She retorted with some wit, making him grin.

" Mmhmm. How about we stop with the mind games and chill for a bit?" Levi voiced lowly, looking into those soft brown orbs with a slight knowing smile.

" Where's the fun in that?" She hinted,  backing away as she held his gaze. Their hands had one last opportunity to feel each other before they were pulled apart.

He watched her bite her lips, wishing could get just one taste before she jogged back to her friends with her water in tow.

" Ay, nig-" Marcus rushed towards him.

" Watch and learn, man. Show you how shit gets done" Levi proclaimed

He saw her acknowledge him and that's when he decided he would entertain this little cat & mouse game she intended on playing.

" Boys vs Girls. Whoever wins buys the other drink. Whatchu say?"


Another chapter for you guys!

Tell me your thoughts.

Love, Tam x

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