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" Ay, Sabrina, wake the fuck up man. We need to get to the shut-" Mena walked, unaware that Sabrina wasn't alone.

Not caring much, Sabrina let one eye open before rebutting " Give me 20 minutes"

' Erm sure, Morning by the way" Mena just nodded with uncertainty before waving at an equally unbothered Levi.

The room became silent instantly, one would think that the quiet of the room would increase any awkwardness but it seemed they had an understanding of whatever it is they were doing so it simply wasn't the case.

Both got up silently, Levi put on his clothes as he eyed the curve of her naked figure as she put on her dressing gown.

She could feel his intense staring, smirking at how she held his interest. He manoeuvred towards her, filling out his t-shirt with his incredible physique.

He gave her a small soft kiss on her lips, following a forehead kiss as he held her tightly.

" I will be seeing you, Sabrina" He bit his bottom lip.

" Likewise" She returned him a small smile.

He left quickly, being watched suspiciously by Mena and Azani in the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Sabrina took a quick shower, completing the rest of her hygiene routine after. She opted for cargo shorts and a tube top that held her upper body well.

She walked into the kitchen, getting knowing looks from her friends " Nothing happened"

She pulled her hair into a half-up, half-down style, leaving a few strands of coils to frame her face.

"Mmmm, ok. Whatever you say" Mena responded unconvinced, turning her lip up.

" Let's go, I don't want us to be late" Azani opened the door, and the girls followed. As they made it to the resort entrance, the shuttle was about to close its door, but not before they got in.

As the tour guide talked about Antigua, Sabrina took in the beautiful forest and the golden coastline as the shuttle bus meandered around the mountain roads.

The sun could be seen rising in the far distance, cool air hit her face as they continued to their first destination.

This was pretty much a full day of activities and first on the agenda was the Devil's Bridge.

They got out of the shuttle, hearing the soft clashes of the Atlantic Ocean against the rugged stone wall.

They got close to the edge where the bridge started but they were advised to not go on it.

As the tour guide explained the history of the bridge, Sabrina observed the ocean as the sunlight began to hit it.

" Here we are, the Devil's Bridge. It is a National park, as you can see here the bridge and the ocean water underneath. This area is formed by thousands of years of waves crashing against these rocks which lead to the formation of the bridge. See how the water come up, spraying all of you? Yeah, don't think about asking to cross that bridge, the answer is no" The tour guide explained in her thick Antiguan accent, pointing at the rock wall and a curious tourist put their hand down, getting an answer for whether they could cross the bridge.

Sabrina was fascinated by these things, it always seem to amaze her how nature worked but as beautiful as this sight was, she heeded the tour guide's words and stood away from the edge.

As the tour guide resumed her talk,  she thought about how it was nice to not do anything but be present in the moment. Her book was gonna be launched soon and she was content in taking time to rest from all those intense months of writing.

They made their way to the next location, zooming through the heavy forest.

Finally stopping in front of the Museum of Antigua and Barbuda, they walked in with the tour guide explaining the nation's history and showing important artefacts like pottery that had been created with eloquent craftsmanship.

A familiar smell wafted toward Sabrina, making her look around for him. She knew he had to be here, it was as if she could feel him right next to her.

She surveyed the room to see if he was there and lo and behold, there he stood in another tour group with his friends.

His eyes averted towards where she stood and he gave her a small smile.

Choosing to not respond, she moved with the rest of her tour group. She continued to admire the museum artefacts, knowing he would come after her.

" Girl, he's here init" Mena looked around erratically. Sabrina could only laugh " Yeah but you gotta chill, he will come out soon enough"

"Yeah, ok. I already know that you're onto him."

" Have you seen how beautiful he is?? I would be a fool to not get a taste while I still can. Anyway, let's go"

" Yeah, you're right. Azani better not fucking complain, I told her I was coming to get you " Mena grumbled.

They interlinked arms as they walked to a slightly impatient Azani, gesturing for them to hurry up.

The shuttle left the Museum not before Sabrina caught a glance of Levi winking at her as the bus turned the corner.

The last excursion was a hike in Wallings Nature Reserve. As she put on the provided hike boots, the other shuttle bus showed up.

She saw him coming out with a simple vest top and loose shorts. She noticed his arms were adorned with different tattoos, that was something she would anticipate seeing upfront.

She knew that she would get the opportunity soon enough.


Another chapter!

Let me know all your thoughts

Love, Tam x

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