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Sabrina couldn't believe that she was here finally in this position. To say that it was a long time coming was putting it entirely too lightly, she had anticipated this moment for so long that her heart almost beat double its speed.

She skimmed her forefinger across the etched curvature of her name on the bottom of the book. She felt a great warmth journey through her body whilst caressing the book ever so softly.

"What Binds Us, Sabrina Appiah" is what the book read. Her debut piece that the world would get to experience and that made her feel bursts of joy anytime she would think about it.

Writing her book opened up an opportunity for her to sink back into that place again and she'd do anything never to go back. Her mother's passing had been more than simple grief, guilt had permeated her every thought from the tender age of 11.

It was hard to grasp the notion that it wasn't her fault, something that her father and therapist had been reminding her of since that day but the creeping feeling of not doing enough never quite went away.

This led her to throw herself into living life to the fullest, anything that would shadow those thoughts away from her conscious mind.

She knew that her mother would have never approved of her role as an author, seeing it as nothing more than a distraction. But in a small twisted way, she was somewhat relieved that her overbearing maternal figure no longer had the hold she once did.

Sabrina would never embark on the life she was living now if she was around and for that she was grateful.

Currently, she was laying on a plush white bed whilst the soothing Antiguan breeze found its way inside, reflecting on the past few months.

She turned her head, viewing the scene before her:  the open ocean teasing the sand with its waves every time they came in. The soft clashes of water were calming as she rose from her bed to get a better look, this was something she could get used to.

She knew that neither Mena nor Azani would be awake, they both hated early mornings. But for her, she took real pleasure in embracing the quiet of her surroundings at the crack of dawn, it made her feel inspired for whatever the day chose to bring to her.

The sand tenderly seeped between her manicured toes as she drew herself closer to the enchanting waves, she sunk into a seated position and watched the ocean.

Something emerged from her peripheral vision that pulled her out of her peace.

A young man emerged from the distance, jogging with an unreadable expression on his face. He seemed so caught up in his thoughts that he almost missed the look that formed across Sabrina's face.

Their eyes caught each other in a split second, time slowed for that moment. Sabrina admired the curve of his soft pink lips and the rich ebony complexion that made sure to enhance his handsomeness in a way that aroused her instantly.

She was never one to not be composed but his gaze pierced through her with such concentration that a wave of chills passed through every inch of her body. A slow smirk formed on his handsome face as he eyed her a little more before he jogged into the abyss of fog further down the beach.

Sabrina knew without a doubt that she would be seeing him again. 

She went back to the resort villa for a quick shower before meeting up with Mena and Azani in the kitchen, who were arguing over what to eat for breakfast.

"It's just easier to go to the resort restaurant and have breakfast there like I don't get why that's hard to understand" Mena stated, mugging Azani.

"But we bought this food yesterday and we are already here, so why not, you know?" Azani tried to reason with Mena.

They both looked to Sabrina, hoping she would side with either one of them. To be honest, she couldn't care less whether they ate here or at the restaurant, her mind was still fixated on that fine specimen of a man she just saw and all the things she wanted to do to him.

" Sabrina, help me out here!" Azani let her exasperated whine while Mena seemingly rolled her eyes at what unfolded.

Sipping her water, she looked at both of them and made a decision."  Personally, I don't really care but Mena does have a point since everyone was gonna be there anyway." Mena smirked and Azani simply shook her head.

" But before we go, tell me why the finest man I've ever seen ran in front of me this morning at the beach. He was cheeky enough to smirk at me, what a sexy prick! Ugh, I better see him soon" Sabrina bit her lip.

" Can't pause your hoe activities for one minute? We are here for a wedding you know" Azani stated, folding her arms as they approached the front door.

" Her sister is getting married" She pointed at Mena who was preoccupied with her phone. " Not me, let's go before all the good stuff disappears" She ushered them out of the villa as her stomach grumbled.

As they approached the restaurant, they were flagged down by Mena's older sister, Nina. Sharing the same round eyes and heart-shaped lips as Mena, one might mistake the sisters for identical twins.

Encapsulated by a warm hug from Nina, the three friends sat down with the rest of the wedding party and dug into a hearty breakfast. Whilst the hubbub of chatter continued, Sabrina's mind sailed back to that fine specimen of a man she encountered before.

He was purposeful in slowing his graceful yet focused jog to take her in as much as she did him. The soft swooning brown orbs he possessed seemed to enchant her in a way no other man had managed before and he uttered not a single word.

Sabrina was used to getting men's attention enough to get the much-needed satiety she craved but none of them could ever hold their own.

Whatever kind of hold he had on her temporarily, she knew that he would be the perfect option to alleviate her longing as soon as possible.


First Chapter!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Love, Tam x

Mahogany BluesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora