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Sweat trickled down the nooks of Levi's hardened muscles, he felt as if his mind had been cleared properly with the refreshing jog he took. After closing with a major client for his banking firm, he had been finding ways to unwind but for a straight-and-narrow guy like him, that was seemingly impossible.

He was this close to hitting his stride, making senior banking consultant back in Atlanta. Being in this position in his life was both freeing, professionally and personally. 

Though he gave up on a family legacy of attending college, he was happy that he didn't fall into the cycle of becoming his father's son: another Jones that entered the world of politics and law.

Desperately wanting to make it out of his parents' strict hold, he attended many networking events where he impressed his current boss, Raymond Milgram at the tender age of 17.

It was a big deal for him, he finished high school with an opportunity right on his lap and took it without ever looking back.

As he showered the dirt and stress of his past away, thoughts of the fresh-faced beauty permeated his mind.

He knew that he was easy on the eyes and drew every woman in whenever he made his presence known.

But never in all his years that he had graced the earth did he feel drawn as well.

To be equally pulled from the same magnetism that he usually exuded towards women was something he never thought he would experience.

It was the twinkle and a sliver of knowing in her deep brown pools that made him know that this was something she was comparatively seasoned in too.

A challenge that befallen him at a time when he felt so aimless and he was willing to accept it with swiftness.

The initials 'RM' was monogrammed all over the furniture as he entered the living room where his boys, Marcus and Omar were laughing it up.

" Aye, look it's the princess returns from his lil jog " Marcus chuckled.

" Fuck you, man. At least I'm tryna stay fit, with the way you look, I'm surprised hoes allow you around them" Levi knew he hit a nerve as the usually gleeful Marcus held a stony look.

" Y'all crack me up, man. Ay, what we finna do today?" Omar questioned.

"Y'all hungry? This resort is all-inclusive with its food. Wanna go to the restaurant?" Levi suggested as Marcus and Omar shrugged.

Finally getting some seats, the boys drugged into the breakfast amidst the chatter surrounding him.

" Ay, Levi, what happened with the shorty you were chilling with before?" Marcus asked.

" Bruh, I don't chill with no shorty. Just hit and go, ain't got time for all that extra shit"

" You still holding onto what ole girl did to you?" Omar responded

" No, nigga"

" Yeah, he is. He mad that her hold on him was tighter than that damn wig she wore even though the lace kept lifting" Marcus laughed, making Omar smirk too. 

" Y'all are so annoying, I'm getting some more food." Levi got up and walked to the buffet table.

That's when he heard it, a soft buttery laugh emitting from her mouth. He didn't know how he recognized it was her but his gut instinct seemed to sense it.

A slight turn of his focus and he was able to see her with some friends, chatting and laughing away. Even as small as the moment was, he felt that same pull he had felt this morning.

Normally, he would simply approach with enough charm to get what he wanted but for once, he was riddled with nerves.

Turning a little more, he got a better glance at her and to be honest, he was impressed. He didn't remember her looking this fine when he saw her at the beach earlier but seeing her now, fresh-faced with nothing more than lip gloss on them sexy ass lips, he couldn't wait to get to know her.

It seemed that she sensed him watching, her alluring eyes moved up to look at him directly in the eye and he could swear there was a lump in his throat.

What's this girl doing to me?

A slight smirk danced on her lips before turned back to her friends, participating in the conversation again.

He knew his time here wouldn't be long but he would be damned if he didn't snag the opportunity to get to know her before it was too late.


A new chapter for you to enjoy!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments

Love, Tam x

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