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Everything had gone from moderately good to bad in the space of a few days, Sabrina had enough self-awareness to admit she had made a grave mistake and she wasn't sure what she could do to solve it.

She knew had no right to throw that in his face but her frustration with her work had manifested itself into an ugly monster that seeped out of her anytime she was slightly triggered. After a few rejected calls in the preceding weeks, she took a hint and decided it was best to leave him be.

She did what she did best: avoid the whole thing for a moment and focus on something that would bring her some joy.

The film was still underway with the excitement from fans brimming at an explosive rate.

In the meantime, Sabrina focused on her second book which would be a romantic thriller. She was keen to explore other genres and feed her fans with stories that would fuel non-stop obsession.

She decided the best place for this was her family home, she had been making more regular visits since everything happened.

Her dad was content that she even wanted to be around him, he took no offence that she only was coming around now.

He was proud of what she had been achieving lately and like a true Ghanaian dad, he bragged to everyone about his author daughter.

It was early evening, and her mind and fingers were focused on the manuscript before her. She hadn't had much time to rest as the words kept pouring out of her any time she paused.

A light knock woke her up from her zombie-like trance.

" Ah ah ah, Abena, you have been like this for the past week you came here. I'm putting a stop to this nonsense, you have to eat!" He demanded as he entered the room.

" But Dad-" She noticed the stressed look on his face.

" Don't 'But Dad' me, the kitchen now" he pointed to the door.

There was no use in arguing with him, simply accepting his command.

When she entered the kitchen, she noted the familiar aromas that she had become accustomed to: the sweetness of the fried plantain and the peppery fragrance of the spinach stew.

She was truly home.

Digging in, all the slew of ingredients and flavours tickled her taste buds, reminding her of each time she and her dad sat at this table, enjoying the sheer intimacy of a simple family dinner.

Her dad noticed that while she was enjoying the food, it was clear something was bothering her.

" Sabrina, what's wrong? You haven't been yourself lately, you're not going there again, are you?" He placed his hand on top of hers.

" Don't worry,  Dad. Haven't gone there in a while. It's something else but I don't know how to tell you"Sabrina looked at his concerned face as she sat up properly.

" There is nothing you can't tell me, my darling. Just to talk to me"

" Well I did meet someone some time ago and we started dating. It was going well before a few weeks ago. We got into an argument because of work but then it spiralled when he started getting rude. Dad, I tried to be diplomatic but it set me off and I said things about his age and other things. I know I've made a mistake but how can I rectify this?"

She watched him, waiting for some kind of reaction. He finally sighed, holding her hand.

" I see. Well, at least, you can acknowledge that you made an error but you're not the only one at fault here. There must be some accountability on his part as well. I know how you feel but give it more time. His ego is stung and that requires a little patience to deal with. It will be fine" He cradled her face in his hands, giving her a warm forehead kiss before allowing her to sink her head onto his chest.

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