Chapter twenty-three

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As we stood in the elevator, waiting to reach Nicolas's apartment floor, my heart thumped loudly against my chest

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As we stood in the elevator, waiting to reach Nicolas's apartment floor, my heart thumped loudly against my chest. I was holding onto the metal bar attached to the wall as I kept my eyes on the changing numbers on the screen. Nicolas kept it quiet, standing silently in the corner with his eyes aimed right at me.

"Are we making a mistake?" I asked quietly.

"We're just horny adults, aren't we?" I glanced at him, a smile appearing on my face. "What?" He smiled, inching closer to me. "You want to tell me there are feelings attached?" He teased just as his hand touched the small of my back and pulled me flush against his body. His head lowered to my ear before I felt his lips touch my cheek. "I told you once before, fiore mio. I break everything delicate I touch," he whispered against my ear, making shivers spread all throughout my body.

"Why do you think I'm so delicate?" He pulled away from me fixating his eyes on mine. I couldn't quite figure out what I could sense in his eyes but it made me aware of something deeper than sole lust.

Nico was about to answer when the doors opened, drawing my attention to the wide and modern space within. He smiled as I walked out of his hold and entered his realm of sorts. Nico wasn't lying when he said that it was beautiful.

The grand living space had massive windows that stretched across the entirety of the first floor. I turned around as I looked around the space, seeing the single staircase that led to the second floor and the entry to the dark kitchen with views I would sell my soul to see every morning. The lights reflected off of the black marble floors and looked like small stars reflected on water at night. I smiled, taking in the darker interior. Despite being raised around very light colours, darker tones have always attracted me.

I stopped for a moment when I saw Nicolas, leaning against the wall of the small entry hall, with his hand in his pockets and his eyes on me. He looked me up and down, taking his time as he did. It almost felt as though he was undressing me bit by bit but I knew Nicolas well enough to know attraction wasn't the only thing that drew him to me. Even if I still had yet to find out what it was.

I had to give it to him, he was absolutely beautiful. His suit highlighted his perfect build, making him look even more powerful than he already did.

"What?" I blurted out and wanted to strangle myself. I really had to ruin the perfect moment even if all we did was look at one another.

But I knew well enough that looks went a long way when it came to Nicolas.

"We have business to take care of, remember?" He teased as he pushed himself away from the wall and headed towards me. I could see the hunger in his eyes and the eagerness for something as simple as the feel of my skin against his fingers.

The moment he was within arm's reach away from me, his hand wrapped around my throat before his lips crashed on mine. The fire that began to die down was fuelled again by his touch.

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