Optimus - Beautiful Boy

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I saw someone asking
for daddy (👀) Optimus,
so there you go.

Reader is femme Cybertronian


If someone would tell you the mighty leader of Autobots will fall in love with you you'd laugh your aft off.
But here you are on a medical berth with swollen tanks and Optimus by your side. Ratchet, of course, being the medic who was examining you.

"You're pretty far along, only few more days until you can hold your sparkling."

You looked up at your sparkmate, he was smiling, clearly happy with the news. This was the only good news he had heard this far, the war was coming closer you all knew that and Optimus feared the worst. He feared he will loose everything, you, his sparkling, his friends.
All of this only because he became a Prime he didn't even plan to be and his best friend became obsessed with power.
You squeezed his servo to anchor him back to reality.


You watched your sparkling cry in your servos as you and Optimus ran towards escaping pods. Decepticons were following Optimus's squad, closing on them from every corner.

"Everyone hurry! Into the escape pods!"

His team listened, you didn't, you wanted to stay with him, even if it cost your spark. He grabbed your servo.

"(c/n), you and (s/n) need to go."

"I won't leave you here."

A sudden explosion let itself know near you, making Optimus cover you with his frame along with your sparkling crying even louder. He grabbed your shoulder plates.

"I love you both so much."

A sudden push from your sparkmate made you scream, only to land in an escape pod. You pounded on the glass tears going down your cheeks. His servo landed on the glass.

"I'll see you. All will be alright. I'll meet you on Earth, I promise."


And as promised you met on Earth, along with few other Autobots. Your mechling laughed as he tippy tapped closer to the medical officer, he tapped his pede making him turn around.

"Yes, what is it?"

Surprisingly Ratchet never was grumpy towards your son. (s/n) handed him a wrench, Ratchet's wrench, which he lost some time ago. He looked surprised as he took the wrench into his servos.

"Err...thank you."

Ratchet always had a problem with his emotions especially with showing them. Your mechling laughed and ran to you, you picked him up kissing his forehelm. He was so much like his sire, he had his optics and also his helm structure, his personality mix of your own and Optimus's.
He could sometimes be stubborn as his sire, but you and Optimus loved him regardless.
Suddenly groundbridge opened and your son got excited, jumping up and down in your servos.

"Sire is back! Sire is back!"

You waited for Optimus to come from the groundbridge as usually he was the last one to enter the base. Once he was inside you put (s/n) on the ground, immediately running to his sire. Optimus smiled and picked his mechling into his servos, nuzzling his faceplate with his sparkling's.
Bumblebee let out a beep as he saw the cuteness, Optimus handed (s/n) to Bumblebee and went to you.
His servo landed on your hip pulling you closer to him, his other servo caressed your cheek, you nuzzled into it.

"How was the field today?"

"I'm afraid Megatron is planning something bigger than what we have faced in the past few days."

"You're always so paranoid. I think I know where (s/n) got it from."

You giggled as you turned your gaze to your son, who was being safely placed in Bumblebee's servos as he played 'plane' with him.
You felt Optimus's servo move to your shoulder plate, pressing you close to his frame.

"He might be paranoid, but it's part of your behaviour as well."

"Mine behaviour?! I don't know what you're talking about."

"Do you remember when I was injured back on Cybertron?"

"That was reasonable, you could leak to offlining."

"That's why I gave my spark to you. You are a caring being, always putting everyone before you."

His helm pressed to your own, feeling his intake giving you small kisses on your helm. Your situation with Optimus continued for a few minutes, getting heated by a each second slowly. Ratchet who was near by coughed to get your attention, which worked.

"Sorry to interrupt your session, but others are here also, not to mention your son. And Optimus?"

"Yes Ratchet?"

"I've found more energon deposit, no decepticon activity so far."

You groaned as your sparkmate went to the centre of the room, getting everyone's attention.

"Bumblebee, Arcee you'll go scout the area. Bulkhead and I will stay alert for need of backup."

"What about me sire? Can I go too? Please? Please??"

You giggled taking (s/n) into your servos, kissing his helm.

"You're too young to go and it's dangerous."

"Danger is my middle name! I'm stealth itself, you never see me coming."

"I don't remember naming you that. You can go when you're older."


Your son whined as you left with him to your and Optimus's berthroom. Optimus watched with happy optics as his little family was safe and happy.
This is what he is fighting for, the peace for every Cybertronian family that is left out, for safety for all Cybertronians and to restore their home planet.


Double treat for you guys, you really are awesome people.
Just wanted to say thank you for every kind of support,
you guys are what is keeping me in a good mood these days.

Stay tuned🐾

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