Headcannon #2

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I made this as a headcannon.

So bonus Decepticons!

One fluffly red panda coming right up!


Optimus Prime

- one day when he picked you up he noticed you were sad
- after you arrived into the base you disappeared, he went looking for you
- found you curled in corner holding your tears
- he hugged you and let you cry on his shoulder
- you turned right in his servos
- he was surprised
- you explained everything to him and how it works
- he's confused but found it cute
- he wants cuddles now
- watching over you more since that day
- whenever you're close to expressing your feelings too much he scoops you up and runs with you to his room
- cuddles with you until you turn back or until he says it's enough


- you and kids were staying over night at the base and watched very sad movie
- after you made sure coast is clear you went into corner to cry it out
- the medic saw you transform
- shocked
- first he pretended nothing happened and went back to work
- but curiosity took over him
- long conversations and lot of questions will follow you everywhere now
- secretly finds it cute
- loves to keep you near him when you transform


- you had a long tiring day and he decided to take you for a drive
- you turned while singing a song you and Bee loved
- confused Bee
- rather didn't ask anything and just enjoyed the fact you could turn into the cutest animals ever
- wants to see you like this more often
- adores your fluffy tail
- cuddles in his berthroom on his berth now
- tries to make you express your feelings more
- gotta love his red panda


- found you in her berthroom curled under the sheets
- confused
- Who are you? Where's my (y/n)?
- you had to explain everything
- couldn't resist but hug you
- she lives for the fluff now
- cradles you like a baby
- overprotective
- noone can see you like this, just her


- you turned while Bulk picked you up from school along with Miko
- you started crying in his alt, while Miko tried to comfort you
- feels bad for you, stops to buy ice cream
- it was a long drive to base that day
- Bulk loves you and now also loves your red panda
- he has to hold Miko back, because she's all crazy over the fluffines
- he loves to hide you in the crook of his neck and shoulder until you turn back to normal


- he was visiting Autobots that day and you decided to have a movie night with him
- you were watching comedy so you turned in the middle of the funniest scene
- confused
- a lot of ridiculous questions incoming
- he loves to play with your tail, ears or just pinch your cheek
- finds it cute when you're angry in this form


- found out about it while driving you home
- weird questions, a lot of them
- weird suggestions what you could or can do in this form
- you had to deny everything
- cuddles
- loves to mess your fur


- you turned while yelling at him for driving too fast
- awkward silence
- slowly he starts to ask questions
- finds it cool you can do that
- love the fluff
- loves to see you like this
- he'll scare you just to see you as a panda
- apologizes always later

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