Megatron - Poems

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Reader is femme cybertronian.


Poems, we sometimes don't understand them but every one has a secret meaning.


My spark beats for you...

Megatron walked from bigger pile of rust metal to just step down on another one, in distance a light from slowly recovering city of Cybertron could be seen. He might have lost the war but he achieved something bigger, inner understanding.

Even I'm not with you...

Cybertron started to buzz with life again. Many believed lost or offlined Cybertronians came back to help and restore their old home. With Optimus gone his team became the 'leaders'. Megatron thought for many times to restore the Decepticons but it just left his processor quickly same as Unicron left his frame.

So I beg you...

He ran a servo on top of his chassis feeling the Decepticon symbol, the memory how he used to hold a servo of small delicate femme against it filled his mind. The femme he loved so much, the femme who could stand her ground by any condition and no matter the danger. She was just a medical assistant to Knockout but she was destined for more, Megatron felt it in his spark.

Please let me stay by your side...

He made her his sparkmate for a reason. Both loved each other more and more with each day, she changed him a lot.

Until death takes it's final bite...

And when the last battle with Autobots came, he knew he had to lock her in their berthroom so she won't join the fight. He was too afraid to lost her, she begged him to approach Autobots in peace but after they started to take over the ship, violence had to be on display. As he fought with Optimus Prime he noticed small frame of his sparkmate slip through Vehicons and started to fight with Bumblebee. After a few swings with his sword at Optimus his optics narrowed at the femme and black-yellow scout, his sparkmate was winning but he also noticed Wheeljack sneaking up on her from behind. As Megatron yelled 'watch out' it was already too late. The ex-wrecker attacked her back causing mayor injuries which started to bleed badly. Megatron just watched in horror as his sparkmate fell on her knees in front of the scout, hitting ground soon after. Megatron roared in pure anger and launched at Optimus slashing him again with the dark Star saber, but before he could ran away to his sparkmate Optimus attacked him.

So death let me stay...

As the sharp blade of star saber sliced through Megatron's spark all he could think about was his dearest love. He might not see her again but he knew at some point he will.

Forever by her side...

Megatron just continued to walk in dark covered alleyways so he could watch how Cybertronians worked on their new home. He saw a couple and how they exchanged loving optics, it hurt his spark, so he left and walked into nowhere. He had no home, noone he could go back to, but he knew a place where he could stay.

Until all the time runs away...

He reached his destination, it was small flat on the edge of the city still broken and half of it's walls tore down. Up there on the top floor was his apartment once, he noticed still some of his trophies were still in their places, some fell on the floor. He reached the berthroom, one wall was missing but the king sized berth was untouched so he lay down.

So, death...

Megatron felt tired all of sudden, his optics soon closed.

Let me stay...

Small giggle woke him up, the familiar (f/c) blur was in front of him when his optics focused he couldn't believe who he saw.

By her side...

She just giggled again as she saw his reaction.


He asked still not believing his own optics. She pressed his servos on her cheeks as she smiled at him. Both pulled each other into tight hug, which turned into kiss. She pulled away smiling again, Megatron just felt happiness but also slowly emptiness filled his servos. Megatron looked into his lover's optics seeing her disappear into thin air, he woke up with a sharp gasp.

He was alone and without her again.



Hello, my fellow readers!
Another chapter behind us and can't wait for another.

Don't forget I still take requests!
(it'll be slow progress but I'll make it work)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter
and see ya next time.

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