17: Thank Merlin

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          Draco's pov for this one. Don't forget to drink water or take your medicine or eat or get some rest or study for that test even though you are gonna do fine, and what ever other words of encouragement and reminders you need. Also.... why do you look so nice today?! i can't explain it but you just look awesome, stunning.

         I was pacing around the hall in front of the Hospital Wing. I was told that I visited too often and that I should give Harry some space and time to heal by Dumbledore, the nerve of that man. Hermione told me that he was doing what was best for Harry, but i couldn't be sure. Harry was my first true friend and like bloody hell am i letting that change.

          Hermione and Ron dragged me to dinner. "UNHAND ME YOU FILTHY GRYFFINDORS!!!" I cried, hoping some Slytherin would come to my rescue, alas none did.

          "Malfoy," Hermione scolded, "Watching Harry is like watching a tea pot as soon as you look away it will be ready, but if you keep looking it will feel like hours." She had a point. I sat down at my table, quietly talking with Blaise and Theodore, when the entire room went quiet. 

          I looked up. There he was, standing right there in the doorway, i guess Hermione had been right. Her and Weasley stood up, arms open. He came running. Right passed them? He was bolting at me. He hugged me so tight i thought it would cut off my breath, but I didn't care. Hugged back just as tight. "Madam Pomfrey told me that you came every day." He laughed.

         "I did." I admitted, "I was scared that when you woke up, I wasn't going to be there." I realized that was why i had staying and felt my cheeks warm a little bit. I pushed it down and pulled away. "You need to eat."

          Harry was eating like an animal. I rolled my eyes, and continued to act civil, while arguing with Blaise that Seeker is better than Keeper. Dumb as a Doo- I mean, Dumbledore stood up to talk to us. The banners were bright red and gold, Gryffindor had won. "Last minute point awards." He explained. "To Ron Weasley, for his chess skills 100 points." I could've sworn McGonagall say 'He's eleven he shouldn't be that good.' "Hermione Granger, for excellent riddle and potion skills 100 point." Great they are now even higher ahead. "To Draco Malfoy, for staying back and helping you're friend, 150 points." I was shocked, just that put us ahead of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. "And lastly to Harry Potter, 600 points." The Slytherins went wild, we just Passed the Gryffindors we had won the house cup. The banners changed from red to green and gold to silver. 

           Slytherin was chanting , "Harry. Harry. Harry." Harry's face was red with embarrassedment.

          "I shall never let you live this down,  Chosen One." I leaned over and joked. He shook his head laughing. I smiled, I loved it when I made his laugh, because nobody else could. At least nobody I knew of.

                 {epic time skip brought to you by Epic Time Skippers "Wanna break from the ads?"}

          How was it time to leave already? I had no idea. But no we were at the train station waiting to be picked up. Harry looked nervous, so i put my arm around his shoulder, causing him to break a small smile.

         I saw my parents. My mother looked happy, and my father looked a mix between proud and horrified. "Well, I'm off now Harry, unless do want to meet my parents? I'm sure they would give you a ride back."

          "No it's fine. I see my family." Harry responded quickly. "Owl over the summer?"

          "Definitely" I agreed, before we walked in our respective ways, but not before I looked back one last time at him.

          "Was that Harry Potter." Father asked calmly.

          "Yes it was." I said, ecstatic, I had written about him in letters to my parents but now i could actually tell them. "He's so cool! He's in Slytherin with me and Blaise and Theo. You know them. And right before the end of the year he saved the entire school!" I made motions with my hands to show how awesome i thought it was. My mother smiled at me.

          "Well then, why don't we go home so you can tell us all about it." I nodded eagerly, and with that we went home. I couldn't wait for summer to be over.

WOoo we did it. first book done! because i am a lazy being all the books shall be in the same book, if i do decide to continue. Also, plot twist Draco and Harry end up on the Dark side and Dumb as a door is actually the bad guy. I'm kiddingggggggg. :D

you look so nice today.

ok poll time!

continue: y

stop: n

(if there is more yes and i choose no or more no and i choose yes that is my choice btw)

if i did make another book, what should it be. it does not have to be Harry Potter please keep that in mind, i am a person of many things

next story:

love you all thank you for reading so far, if it is decided i've already started on CoS so there isn't a long wait

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