3. The Sorting

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          Harry and Ron walked up the stairs with all the other first years, an excited buzz filled the hall as the two pushed into the front. Harry noticed a boy by the banister, he had platinum blond hair, a mischievous smirk, and eyes like steel. Harry immediately remembered him from the robes shop, but then he looked much nicer. The boy eyed him, and his smirk grew. "Look, the rumors are true. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." 

          The buzz grew louder by the boy's words and Harry felt his ears heat slightly.

          'Harry Potter?!"

          'Could it be?!'

          ' I don't believe it!'

           The boy smugly walked over and said, "That's Crabbe, that's Goyle," he pointed to the two boys he was talking to earlier, "And I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." His hand had shoot out for a hand shake as Ron started to snicker. "Think MY name is funny do ya?" Malfoy sneered. "No need asking what yours is. Red hair, and hand-me-down robes? Must be a Weasley." He concluded, making Ron's face half as red as his hair. "As you'll see some families are better then others here. I can help you there." 

          While Harry was annoyed at how Draco snapped at Ron, he saw something in him. Something that said Draco truly just wanted a friend, and that he had too many walls up. Harry took Draco's hand and shook. Draco grinned like a little kid getting his presents early. "Great" he said before running back to Crabbe and Goyle to tell them about what he accomplished. 

            "Why'd you say yes?!" Ron asked, bewildered.

            "He might have seemed mean but he really just wanted a friend." Harry said, sticking up for his reasons.

            "Yeah, I guess, but if he tries to stop you and I from being friends I won't hesitate to zap him with my wand." Ron warned, half joking.

          Harry rolled his eyes, "Whatever Ron."

          There was a old woman in green that stood on the top of the stairs. She projected her voice loudly or everyone to hear, "Hello first years, before the feast you'll have to get sorted in to your houses. There are four. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw,-" she paused, taking a inhale, like someone who was delivering sort of bad news. "- and Slytherin."

          Harry heard who he assumed was Malfoy give a little whoop at the name of the final house. The lady led the first years in to the great hall. It has huge and filled with students. Many looked up to see the strange ceiling.

          "It's bewitched." Harry heard Hermione's knowing tone.

          "When I call your name, you will sit up here, put on the Sorting Hat, and it will choose your house." Said the woman.

           All of the sudden, a hat, which looked old and ragged, started to burst out into song. By the end everyone was clapping.

          "Hermione Granger." said the lady, whose name was Professor McGonagall.

           Hermione walked up muttering. Ron elbowed Harry before muttering to him, "Mental that one, I'm telling ya." which made Harry snicker softly.


           Harry and Ron were surprised she didn't get Ravenclaw but clapped wildly with the rest, giving her grins.

           Professor McGonagall called more names before, "Draco Malfoy."

           Draco strutted up like he owned the world, the hat hadn't even touched a single hair before it roared, "SLYTHERIN!!!!!" Malfoy's smirk was even bigger as he walked to his table.

           "Ronald Weasley." Ron turned a little pink at the sound of his full name as he walked up.

           "Another Weasley? Easy. GRYFFINDOR!!!!!" The Sorting Hat decided instantly, and Ron ran to sit by Hermione, grinning like a mad man.

           "Harry Potter." at the sound of his name, everyone fell into a silence. All eyes were on him as he walked up to the stool were The Sorting Hat sat. He placed it on his head and heard it think.

           "Hmmmmmm. Where to put YOU Harry is hard."  Harry could feel the Hat's voice in his mind. 

          'I want to be with my friends, if you didn't mind that much.' Harry thought to the hat. It thought for a few minutes before shouting for everyone to hear, Leaving everybody shocked, with their jaws slamming into the floor.

          "SLYTHERIN!!!!!!!" The Sorting Hat had spoken. 

What If He Never Was A Gryffindor? (drarry)Where stories live. Discover now