16. The man with a backwards face

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          "You?!" Harry exclaimed in shock.

          For it was...... (inserts something absolutely hilarious)

          Actually, Harry couldn't remember who he was, and it showed. "Yes. It is me, but no one would have expected-" The turban wearing man said, Harry thought it was a nice turban.

         "You're the dude who told us about the troll on Halloween." Harry remember. "But like who are you? I was expecting Snape and you- are not Snape."

          "Who am I?! Who am I" The man said outraged. (what are you even saying. im the loser of the game you didn't know you were playing.[this is a reference, please keep reading and ignore the interruption]) "I am Professor Quirrell, you're Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?"

          "Why are you teaching kids defense against what you're doing? Wouldn't that like... not help?" Harry pondered, 'His name sounds like squirrel, ha' Harry thought.

          "SHUT UP POTTER!" Quirrell screamed. "Yes Master. Well Master are you sure? It might- ow ow ok ok." Harry was very confused and beyond concerned, at first Harry thought Quirrell had called HIM master, only so be even more puzzled when he started having a whole conversation with nobody. Quirrell looked at the boy fearfully, then evilly, as he slowly started to unravel his turban.

          Harry's forehead exploded with pure pain, so hard and sudden he almost collapsed. His scar had hurt before but never like this. Never so intense. This was obviously something very wrong. Quirrell finished he turned around so his master could say hello. Harry felt the bile rise up his throat, what he saw was horrifying. "Hello, Harry Potter." Harry got swept back to a memory of a flashing acid green light. Harry knew then that he stood before He-who-shall-not-be-named, Lord Voldemort. Harry started to back away trying to put some distance, but a ring of fire surrounded them now. Harry looked around - finally taking in his surroundings - and saw there was nothing that could help him, except the mirror! The mirror he had been looking at.

          Quirrell grabbed the boy and put him in front of the mirror, and barked, "What do you see?" What Harry could see was himself, and when he put his hand in his pocket he pulled out the sorcerer's stone. Harry subtly brushed his hand against the rock in his pocket. "Well!" Quirrell was getting impatient.

          Quickly, Harry started to tell him Ron's dream. "I'm Head Boy, I've just won the House Cup, I look very handsome." Harry brought his hand up to his chin, to make it seem like he was admiring himself a bit more.

          "He lies." The voice on the back of his head whispered into the professor's ear. "YOU LIE!" He shouts at Harry, and attempts to grab him but when he made contact, the most painful thing he had ever experienced.

          Smoking flesh. That's what Harry could smell, he was familiar with that smell form all the times his aunt or cousin would push his hand on the stove when on. Harry watched the man scream in pain. With a new found determination, Harry lunged forward and gripped the possessed man's face. There was a blood curdling cry as the former professor was reduced to ash. That was all harry could remember before passing out.

Hey, i just wanted to say I am deeply sorry about my inputs. I know i know, this is Harry Potter, not Steven Universe, so I am sorry.....

that i don't regret a single thing

Anyways, hello my beautiful beings, how are you today? you got enough rest?  Enough sleep? I hope everything is going well with what ever annoying thing life has thrown at you now and everything will be ok. Like life threw a football and three basketballs at me and broke my glasses but here i am. :D this very bad pep talk is trying to say that every thing will work out and it happens for a reason ❤.



you can answer one or both.



bye all of you wonderful beings and remember to study for that test, you know who you are.

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