7. Nice puppy...

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          "Come on Harry!" Draco called, the boy leading the way to the trophy case. The case was practically made out of gold, and shining. 

          "Hey! 'James Potter' That must be your dad, Harry!" Ron exclaimed. "No wonder, you've got Seeker in you're blood. Woah, he was a Gryffindor too."

          Harry looked at his dad's name in awe, HIS father was a Seeker too, just like him. Harry felt a bubble of pride swell within him. "Oh, we don't want to be late for Transfiguration, now do we." Hermione said, lead the group away, the three boys whining.

          The class seemed to take forever, Ron and Harry did their best not to fall asleep. Draco was taking all the notes possible with Hermione, occasionally making sure his two friends were awake, so they didn't get in trouble by the Professor. 

          As the four walked through the corridors, trying to get to their next class Draco was telling  a story. "The girl's MAD. She'd keep small things of mine like pencils and tissues, it's creepy!"

          "And," Harry added to what Draco said, "She's is Slytherin, she's always trying to get his attention." He and Ron snickered.

          "It's not funny." Draco tried to convince them. All of a sudden, the stairs started to move. "Hold on!" the four held onto the banisters, trying not to fall down.

          "Well this is great, we're going to be late." Hermione complained.

          "We can just go this way." Harry shrugged, continuing to climb the marble steps.

          "I don't know if that's a good idea but ok-" Draco muttered.

          They went up the stairs and through the first door at the top of them. They looked around into the darkness, worried but they kept going. "I don't think I've ever seen this part of the castle." Ron thought aloud.

          "Because this is the Third Corridor," Hermione stated, shaking slightly, "It's forbidden!" She was cut off by a 'Mew' 

          "Filch's cat! Run!" Exclaimed Harry, grabbing Draco and Hermione's hands, Hermione grabbed Ron's, and they ran down the halls. They heard the nasty, worn voice of Filch echo and bounce off the walls. The four found a door finally.

          "Alohomora." Hermione whispered. The door unlocked. The 11-year-olds rushed inside, huddling up against the door to hear better. Once they heard Filch leave they exhaled.

          Harry was thinking aloud on why the door was locked while Draco, Hermione, and Ron smelt something foul, so they turned around and, "Harry-, I- I think I k-know why the door was locked." Stuttered Ron. Harry turned around and stared up at a three-head, black, growling, huge, dog.

          "Nice puppy." Draco started, but was cut off by a growl. The children screamed, and ran out the room, uncaring if Filch caught them at this point, they just had to escape.

          They stopped in front of the divide between the hallway tot he Gryffindor common room and the Slytherin common room. "Did you notice what it was standing on?" Hermione whispered.

          "No!" Ron whisper-shouted, "I was a wee bit preoccupied with it's heads, if you didn't notice, there where three!"

          Hermione glared at the ginger before continuing, "It was a trap door, that means the dog is guarding something." 

          "But what?" Harry wondered out loud.

          "It doesn't matter. What matters is we don't get caught. Therefore, I'm going to bed before one of you three comes up with another clever idea to get us all killed, or worse, expelled!" Hermione turned on her heel, her robe flick almost rivaling Snape's in annoyance and went to bed.

          "She needs to realize that life is more important the grades." Ron shook his head in disbelief. "Night Harry, night Draco." With that Ron went after Hermione.

          Harry noticed Draco yawning loudly, so he wrapped Draco's arm around his shoulder, giving Draco some rest. Climbing up stairs half carrying a person your age is pretty hard to do, but Harry did it for his friend anyways. Harry laid Draco down in whichever bed he could get too first, realizing how exhausted he was. He barely had time to register what waas happening before he fell on to a bed, passing out.

LOOOOOOKKKKKKKKKKKKK! A actual update arent yall like so proud of me i did it. getting back into the swing of things was kinda difficult but i should be able to post a little more now so YAY. i feel so accomplished that i actually got out a chapter. now im gonna leave with this for like who knows how long. DGM

<3 byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye

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