ch. 10 little snake fight

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        Everyone was on edge. Even the Slytherins. Harry and Draco walked to class side by side, talking about nothing and everything. 

          They were going to the new defense club. It was run by Lockhart and Snape. Harry didn't know what to expect.

          The two boys joked about how this would turn out. As they walked, they met up with Ron, who had a mean look on his face.

          "You guys take so long." The red head groaned. "Speed up..."

          Harry looked at Ron with concern in his eyes, but ignored the comment. Harry gave a little apology, then continued walking to class. Not noticing the ginger sticking his tongue out at Draco.

          He did notice, however, Draco's scowl at Ron. "Hey, no need to start acting mean, Draco." He chided, before opening the door.

~~~~~~~Draco's Point of view~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

         He couldn't believe it! That little weasel! How dare he stick his tongue out at Draco. 

          The blond had noticed the glares. So quick, he thought he was imagining them, but this. This was mean, and not only that, Harry didn't call Ron out!

          Draco huffed as he went into the class, standing with Blaise and Theo, while Harry stood with Ron. Standing beside his friends, he told them about the situation. They were not pleased. After the whole, 'The Chamber Of Secrets has been opened!' thing, the four of them decided to stick together. Git.

          Draco watched the two teachers explain the rules while discreetly making jokes with Blaise. This lack of focus is why he was so surprised when Snape pulled him onto the.... dual table? Draco didn't know what it was. Yet, he was up there. And of course, right in front of him, was Harry.


         Harry felt unsure of himself. He didn't want to hurt his friend. He felt uncomfortable standing there, wand in hand, about to dual.

          He looked across to Draco, who looked very confused at what was going on. The blond stumbled on stage, Harry giggled, earning a glare. The giggling stopped when the lights seemed to dim. It gave Harry goosebumps.

          "Scared, Potter?" Draco whispered to Harry, concern shining in the blond's grey eyes.

          "You wish." The ravenette snorted in retaliation.

           Harry glanced over at Ron, who gave a thumbs up. Shaking out the nerves, Harry turned around, and walked to his end of the table. Before he knew it, there was a spell shooting at him, and at the other end of it, his friend with a smug smirk.

           Blushing in frustration, the green-eyed boy shot a hex in kind. Professor Lockhart was asleep at his desk. Professor Snape started to stand on the table, his face turning pink. Snape grabbed for Draco but he had already cast another spell, sending a snake out toward Harry.

           Draco's face turned abnormally pale. A child screamed, as the snake started to slither to the side.

          "STOP!" Harry ordered, "Leave him alone!"

            The boy in question was shaking with fear, his eyes wide as Harry yelled at the snake.

          "BACK OFF!" Harry told the snake, who looked at the boy through slitted eyes, but Harry stayed stern. Then the snake exploded in a flash of light.

          Everyone was staring. At him. What had he done? He just helped that kid.... The kid who was glaring at him.

          Feeling suddenly uncomfortable, he ran of the little stage, and grabbed his things, heading to Ron and Hermione, feeling panicked. They grabbed him by the shoulders, looking around, making sure no one was looking at them. They were.

          "Harry! Why didn't you tell us?!" Ron exclaimed as soon as they were in the hallway. Harry blinked at the red head. Had he gone mad? Hermione was biting her lip, looking around.

          "I agree with Ron," She said softly. "You should've told us."

          "Told you what?" Harry was confused, he hadn't hidden anything in particular.

          "That you can talk to snakes?!" Ron cried, throwing his hands in the air.

           Next thing Harry knew, he was against the wall. His best friend glaring at him angrily.

          "What the hell was that, Harry?!" Draco demanded. "Where you just not going to tell me you can talk to freaking snakes?!"

          "I didn't know!" the ravenette yelped, squirming. Draco's grey eyes narrowed as the boy looked for help  from Ron and Hermione.

          "Didn't know? What do you bloody mean 'I don't know'?!" Draco exclaimed, getting off of Harry and running a hand through his hair. "Do you know what this means? A Slytherin kid speaking parseltongue, and right after the whole Chamber of Secrets thing?"

          Ron blinked. "You didn't know?!" Harry scowled at Ron

          "Yes, I didn't know. That was what I was about to say!!" Harry huffed. He felt a hand on his arm and deflated slightly. "I don't know why it was a big deal... I was helping that kid."

          "Helping?" Hermione looked uncertain. "Harry- it looked like you were encouraging the snake to attack."

          Harry froze. "Hey- it's my fault, I summoned it-" Draco started, but Harry was already down the hall.

          "Bloody hell."

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