ch. 9 the voices don't think I'm crazy 🤷‍♂️

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          ~~~~~~~Draco's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

          Draco made a mental note to write to his mother after aiding Harry get Weasley to the gi- to Hagrid's hut. He was sure he was sick.

          Evidence one, his stomach was hurting, and it happened at the most random times, like just now. When Harry punched Flint, someone who is much bigger than him, Draco's stomach felt quite weird.

          Evidence two, Draco was over heating. His face and ears would go bright red at the most peculiar times, like when Harry smiled at him.... Harry had a very nice smile, at that moment, he started to over heat. 

          Draco decided that was enough evidence to show he was sick, I mean, what else could it be?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Arry Pottah's pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

          Harry carried Ron to Hagrid's hut with Draco on the other side. The raven haired boy smiled in thanks to the blonde, who turned pink. 'Maybe he's overheating...' Harry thought.

          Draco excused himself when they got to the hut and ran away. Harry shrugged and him, Ron, and Hermione, who had been very quiet, went in.

          "Hagrid?" Harry called. Hagrid came tromping through the house. After catching him up, he was quite upset.

          "You listen 'ear, Hermione, there ain't a thing you don' know. 'Re the smartest witch of 're age, remember 'at, ya 'ear. Don't let stupid Flint mess ya up" Hagrid waggled his finger. Hermione, who had teared up at the small speech, gave him a big hug.

          To bad that Harry had detention.

~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

          Harry sat there, helping his new least favorite teacher answer fan mail. 


          As he sat there, Harry felt... strange. He went still as a soft voice rasped into his ear, "Kill~, kill~"

          Harry whipped his head around in fright, breathing heavily. Lockhart laughed, "It is quite tiring having so many fans, but you knew that. Detentions done, go eat."

          He sprang from his seat and went out the class. It wasn't long before he heard the "Kill~, Kill~" again.

          The boy picked up the pace, trying to track the alarming words. He crashed into Hermione and Ron. Harry rushed to explain. The two paled, and soon enough they came upon a harrowing sight.

          On the wall, written in what Harry hoped to be tomato sauce, was a message, 'The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir, beware'

          Before Harry could even open his mouth, the other students came to the corridor, all in as much disbelief as the three of them were. 

          Soon, the attention shifted from the message, to the thing hanging on the wall. Mrs. Norris, Filch's cat, hung dead. This added to the panic.

          Teachers rushed to the sight. Breaking through was Mr. Filch, who cried, "My cat! They've killed my cat!!" He spun around and glared at Harry. "You.... You killed my cat!"

          Dumbledore put a hand on Filch's shoulder and dismissed the other students. Harry noticed Draco squirming through the crowd towards him, making Harry's stomach do a flip. Maybe Harry was sick. The four stood there.

          "They killed my cat!" Filch growled, "I want to see punishment!"

          "Argus, she isn't dead" Professor Dumbledore soothed, "She's been petrified." Filch glared at Dumbledore, the information didn't seem to help.

          "Ah, yes, petrification... I was just about to diagnose that." Lockhart grinned.

          "It was him!" Filch insisted, point at Harry. "The whole lot of them, but he wasn't at dinner!"

          "That was me" Lockhart admitted, "I had him for detention."

         "And we were out looking for him" Hermione added. There was silence for a moment.

          "Perhaps the children were at the wrong place at the wrong time." Professor Snape drawled. The other adults agreed and sent the four to bed, they scampered away.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Draco's pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

          Just as they escaped, Draco felt someone whack his head. "Ow!" He cried, rubbing where he had been hit.

          "You idiot, you could have gotten in trouble, you should have just left" Harry scolded.

          "I didn't want anything bad to happen." Draco huffed. He yelped as he was pulled into a hug.

          "Thanks, i suppose i can change Monday to Friday." Harry grinned. Draco thought he was going to explode, that was four days instead of seven! He hugged back tightly, and when Harry had let him go, the blonde thought his chest might burst.

          After good nights had been said, the two Slytherins made their way back to their common room. 'I really should tell my mother that I'm dying.' Draco thought, but he was okay with it, because his best friend was right by his side.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ron's first pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I will tear them apart!

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