11. Christmas

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          Harry was woken by the bed shaking. Yes, shaking. Harry opened one sleepy eyelid to reveal Ron and Draco, bouncing on his bed, chanting, "Wake up Harry! It's Christmas!"

          Harry groaned, he wanted to sleep, but then he noticed something. the presents by his bed. "Are those presents? For Me?" He asked dumbfounded.

          "Yep, one from me, one from him, one  from Hermione and some other random ones." Said Ron, sounding quite proud he had gotten Harry a gift. Harry eyed the presents, then looked at the two boys on his bed. 

          "Well, let's open them before Draco has to leave then." He declared, before the three crawled off the bed to open presents. Hermione, who had gone home for the Christmas break had gifted all three of them books. Ron quickly discarded them to open a new present but was filled with  horror when he saw the maroon knitting. He hid the gift in between his legs. Harry and Draco rolled their eyes at the ginger's actions. Harry grabbed the next gift after looking at the titles of the books. It was a knitted shirt, with a H for Harry on it.

          "No! She made you one too." Ron complained. 

          "She didn't make me one." Draco cried, upset. 

          "I didn't tell her we were friends, and you know how our dads get along." Ron shrugged apologetically. Draco thought about this then decided to drop it. The boys continued to just open their presents. Then finally Harry opened his last gift. It was a cloak. He stood up and tried it on. The other boys jumped in surprised and cried out.  

          "Harry! You're a head!" Draco and Ron both gasped. Harry looked down, he was just a head. 

          "It's a Invisibility Cloak! I asked my father for one but he said no." Draco said, thinking back.

          "The note says that it was my dad's!" Harry said in shock. After the boys all tried it on and fawned about it, they started to help Draco pack, seeing that he was going back home today. Once the blonde was all packed, they ran to the Great Hall. It was covered in decorations gold, red, white, and green. it was beautiful. There was one big buffet table and all the people staying would eat dinner together in the middle table or the Ravenclaw table. 

          Harry and Ron watched as their friend apparated away with his parents to spend the rest of the break with them. They waved sadly, and got a wave back, then poof. The boys went to the courtyard and continued to build the igloo Draco had started, but ended up as an snowball fight, which then turned into rough housing until dinner. Dinner was interesting, sitting at a table which people from different houses and then teachers. Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Sprout arguing about which dessert in better. It was funny when Ron beat the Headmaster in Wizard chess though, Dumbledore playfully insisting that Ron had cheated. After that day Harry was beat. He had the best sleep in the world, wishing Ron a mumbled good night, before he passed out by the fire of the Gryffindor common room; Ron looking over his gifts.

ok i did it! Merry Christmas. it being Christmas i had the idea for a Q/A not every chapter but like some of them its just an idea but if you guys are interested(also you guys can suggest stuff too): Q: What do you want for Christmas 

A: Harry Potter funko pops or the largest sweater in the world

If i dont post the other chapter i have soon MERRY CHRSTMAS

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