ch: 2 I'm in me mum's car

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          The car quietly parked in the grass. The four Gryffindors snuck into the kitchen, and Harry was blown away by how much magic was flowing in the house. Harry was amazed at how the dishes washed themselves, and the self woven scarf being made in the corner. They rounded the corner and there stood a small, red headed, angry woman. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!!! BEDS EMPTY, NO NOTE!!! of course Harry, dear, I don't blame you, now come and get something to eat." 

          A few minutes later, they were all sitting around the table, with Mrs. Weasley bustling in the kitchen. A little red headed girl bounded down the stairs, her flame-like hair just above the shoulder. "Mummy, have you seen my jumper?"

          "Yes dear, it was on the cat." Molly replied, not taking her attention off the food. The little girl, Harry remembered her name was Ginny, turned around and looked at Harry. Her face turned redder than all of the Weasley's hairs combined. She turned around and ran away, like she had seen a ghost.

         "She's been talking about you all summer." Ron rolled his eyes, as he dug into his food, "Getting annoying."

         "He's right" Piped Fred. "Talked about you more then Ron does." George commented slyly. Ron rolled his eyes. Mr. Weasley, turned up in that moment. 

          "Morning family." He smiled.

          "Your sons drove YOUR car to Surrey and back last night." Molly growled.

          "Really, was it good?" He received a nasty glare, "I mean, how irresponsible." Then the family owl swooped in, well it tried. It hit its head on the door and fell. Percy got up to get the awaiting mail. In his hands were six Hogwarts letters. "Seems Dumbledore already knew you were here Harry."

          After breakfast, the all gather around the fireplace. Ron demonstrates how to use floo powder. "Diagon Alley" He says, clearly.

          Harry steps up and says, "Diagonalley" he disappears. The Weasleys look at each other. Oh no.

Q: How many days until the last day of school for you?

A: 9

Go to bed, focus on your work, get off of here, we both know you need too.

What If He Never Was A Gryffindor? (drarry)Where stories live. Discover now