13. The Evil Broom And The Dragon from a pocket

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          The group of four decided to spill to Hagrid that they knew about the three headed dog, figuring as it was most likely him. They knocked loudly on his door. "I'm comin'" Hagrid opened the door. "Oh it's you- four? Why is Malfoy here?"

          "You come here without me?" "He's our friend." Harry explained and Draco exclaimed at the same time. 

          "I see- well I'm busy so you can only come in for a moment." Hagrid told them. As soon as they walked into the hut, a big cauldron on the fire started to rattle.

          "Hagrid, we have something to tell you-." Harry started as the big man took the cauldron off the fire. "We know about the big dog in the third floor." Hagrid gasped.

          "You know about Fluffy?" Hagrid looked a bit startled.

          "Fluffy?" The four 11 year old's asked at the same time, confused. "So he is yours."

          "Of course e's mine. But what e's guardin' is b'tween Dumbledore an' Nicholas Flammel." Hagrid nodded to himself before realizing his mistake, "Forget i told you that." The cauldron started to rock again. Hagrid pulled a big rock looking thing out of the cauldron. 

           "Is that what i think it is, Hagrid?!" Ron gasped. "How did you get one?" the children gathered around the thing.

          "Won it at the pub, man seemed glad to get rid of it, though not sure why." Hagrid admitted. 

          Harry sighed exasperated, "What is it?"

          "It's a-" right before Ron could finish his sentence, the rock hatched, because it wasn't a rock, but an egg. Out that egg, popped a baby dragon.

          "This is Norbert, He's a Norwegian Ridgeback." Hagrid said proudly. Norbert turned to Hagrid and burped flames onto Hagrid's scraggly beard, "Look he knows his Mummy." Hagrid stared at the baby dragon with loving eyes. A branch broke from outside, they swiveled around to see Pansy Parkinson, Draco's stalker, running to the castle. In Pansy's defense, she only did what she did because she was scared Hermione was in her way to getting to Draco, so she had slipped a note under Professor McGonagall's door alerting her that four students were out of bed, so when the four of them came, she was waiting.

          "Four of you, detention, in two weeks time." She stated then sent them off to bed. 

           The next day was a Quidditch game against Hufflepuff. Everything was going fine, until Harry's broom started to dance? it was like riding a bull, it was going haywire. Hermione, Draco, Ron, and Hagrid watched from the stands. "Hey, look!" Hermione pointed out, "Snape is staring at the broom without blinking, almost like he's- oh no, he's jinxing the broom."

         "What do we do?" Draco asked. Hermione smirked then ran off. The ginger and blonde shared a scared look and continued to watch the game. Hermione had ran to the Professor booth. Pulling out her wand she whispered the incantation for summoning fire and unleashed it on Snape's cloak. The was a commotion up above, everyone panicking, but Harry's broom immediately stopped acting up and he darted after the snitch, and caught it right before the Hufflepuff seeker did. Cheers erupted from the stands. He had done it again.

          "So Snape did it?" Harry asked. 

          "He must have, he's probably going after the Nicholas Flammel thing." Draco pondered.

          "Oh I know i've seen that name somewhere." Hermione said, frustrated, before stalking to the library, determined to figure out where she had seen that name. The boys proceeded to go the Great Hall and play wizard chess until bedtime.

          When Harry and Draco got to their dorm, Theo and Blaise had already fallen asleep but had left chocolate frogs on his bed, which he and Draco shared before going to bed.

hello, again please don't get mad if the timeline isn't in exact order i definitely had to go and get the book and try to figure out the right events, also i did do a Halloween chapter which is back earlier in the book



don't forget you don't have to answer these it's just for fun and thank you for reading yet another chapter of the story i appreciate it truly.

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