Chapter 8 : { Outing }

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Sorry for not updating for a long time!
Having anime marathon and now school day is almost there :))

"Woahh... You are right, sis! He was very adorable!!" said Nayli, smiling brightly while holding the poor Mechabot.

The next day after school, (Y/N) and her twin sister were ready to go to the town as they had promised yesterday. Amato also came to pick them up along with Mechabot.

When the twins saw Mechabot, they quickly grabbed him like a pet and petted him. Amato on the other hand just trying his best to to laugh at his power sphera.

"Mhm, but please.. Be polite, don't hurt him... "

"He is a robot right? No way we could hurt him!" Kayla said proudly while both of her hands are on her waist. Meanwhile Mechabot that in Nayli's grasp is just smiling in pain and trying to hold his anger. Poor robot.

"Uhm.. Sorry Amato..." (Y/N) turn her gaze to Amato that stood beside her, watching his slave robot got petted by those children, and holding his laugh.

"Nahh.. It's okay!" he waved both of his hands, "It was his revenge for eating my drawing paper that I drew yesterday anyway."

"Ahh... Wait- eating PAPER??-"


"WOAH! Nay! Abang Amato said that this robot can eat paper!"

"What? COOL! Let's feed him!!"


"Hihi! He loves it! Where did you get those paper anyway?"

"Oh, on the rubish can! Probably have lot more."

"PFFT- how sucks to be you- HAHAHAH!!"

"Oh, no.. Kayla! Stop!"

[Author bored <3 || HOW DARE YOU TORTURE ME!? I WILL SHOT YOUU! JUST YOU WAIT YOU LITTLE SH- /chop hit by Amato/]

Not long after that, they are all walking to the town. As for Mechabot, floating/flying beside his owner, avoid those two innocent children that he thought was two devil that will torture him again.

Kayla and Nayli are holding hands with (Y/N) on her both side, swinging their hands as they are walking and humming.

"What do we need to buy? Aren't you have those extra items and tools?" (Y/N) asked, curious since they had cleaned his storage room but still having extra metals and useful things in the room.

"Yeah... Maybe. But some of the items did not suit for the project, and some of my tools are unusable because I always use them everyday... and broke them-" he mumbled the last sentence as he pull a small note paper from his brown shorts, "My mom also told me to buy groceries for dinner as well."

"Then... what shop do we need to go first?"

"Hm..." Amato snapped his fingers, "We can go to Uncle Gobi's shop! He always has everything we need."

"Uncle Gobi? Well.. Sounds great! At least we could get some items we that needed." she smile softly making the boy had a tint blush on his face and turning his head to his front, not wanting to get caught by any of them. Especially the evil teasing Mechabot.

He just realized that his robot are clinging onto his right arm, probably scared to the twin girls. "Hey Mecha, why did you clinging onto my arm?" he asked, a grin plastered on his face. The blush he had was forgetten.

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