Chapter 3 : { Cleaning }

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Sorry for the late update ;-;

"Mechabot! Don't eat all of those curypuffs! It is for the guests!" Amato said as he grab Mechabot to the other side, Mechabot groans and cross his arms. "Sorry, he always like that..."

"No, it's okay... it's not a big deal at all, my little sisters also act like him when there has their favorite food on table." (Y/N) said with a smile on her face. "So, what do we do now?"

"Let's go to my storage room after having some snacks. We could maybe do some projects? Or experiments?" Amato said as he take sipped a cup of tea.

"Sure, I think?"


"Um... Amato? Why your room is full of these boxes, random items and metals?--"

"I collected them from outside and thought it would be useful for me in the future." Amato answered Pian as he moves some of the boxes and give some space for his friends to get in.

"He always got some trash outside either after fighting or randomly just saw it on the side of road while walking and took it home this lately." The red-power sphera said as he pokes the items in the boxes until it was unbalance and dropped.

"First, these was not a trash. Second, Arrange. Those. Boxes. Now." Amato glares at the power sphera with a long metal stick in his hands. Not until a second, the power sphera clean the mess as his friends just watch him from the door, sweatdropped.

"I think you should clean these things up, Amato. Yes, these are not trash, but they are just making your storage room have no space for you and us making projects and could not be able to move clearly in here." Mara lectured to the black-haired boy.

"I think those items can be recycled, we can send them to a recycling center or use them and changed thier uses in the future." (Y/N) added as she popped her head inside to the storage room, and see there a lot of boxes and metals like Pian said earlier.

"Aaa... I.. Don't know?" Amato scratching his cheek with his finger. "Did it look really messy? Sorry then.. It is just.. my habits to take random items that seems useful to me-" he frown at his little habit.

"So do you want to clear these up or not?" Mechabot asked his owner as he finished arranging the mess he did earlier. "Yeah, I will." his owner answered the bot. He begin to pick up a box to the outside.

"We will help you!" Pian said as he also went inside and pick up a box. "I will wait outside to choose the items and separate them ; items that can be use and items that can be recycle." Mara said as she begins to separate them, (Y/N) was also there a help Mara.


"Mechabot don't try to sneak away. Come and help us."

"You can ask Sumurai to do those thing."

"Shut up and help."





"Fuh, It is done now." Pian said as he sit on a chair near him, "I will call my driver to send me home, also will send these extra items to the recycle center."

"Sure, thank you guys for helping me." Amato said with a smile on his face while wiping his forehead using his right hand.

"It was my pleasure to help you as a friend!" the (h/c) girl said as she puts her hands on her waist and cheerfully smile.

Amato had a slight blush on his face, but it was unnoticeable since he is tired from cleaning his storage room.

"Hey Mara, do you want me to send you home? It is 5:22 p.m. now." said Pian while he is still on the phone with his driver.

"Yes, my home quite far from here."

"How about you (Y/N)? Do you want me to send you home too?"

"My house is just near this neighbourhood, I could walk from here. Thanks for your offer, Pian." (Y/N) replied him while she pokes on Mechabot that is laying on the ground.

"Are you sure he is a robot? A robot can't be tired."

"Hey! Stop poking me!"

"... Second thought you look adorable, Mechabot!~" the girl squeals, her (e/c) eyes widen and sparkle around it as he try to pick the bot up.

"Excuse me?! I am handsome, not adorable!" he said as he get away from (Y/N) grip, cross his arms and turn to the other side.

"See? You are adorable!" (Y/N) squeals again while trying to get Mechabot that flying, avoiding her.

"H-hey! Stop right there! Amato, help me!!"


After Pian and Mara went home, (Y/N) still at Amato's storage room, help him arranging the left items that can be for the future uses.

"Now it's fully done finally!" Mechabot whining, but still helping them out.

"I should go home now, it's almost 6 evening... I would get a lecture by my brother instead of my mother if I was late." (Y/N) frown, taking the last box and walk to put in on a shelf.

"... Instead of your mother?" Amato blink in confusion.

"My brother is overprotective sometimes, my mom did worry but as long as I'm home, she is fine." (Y/N) said as she put the last box on the big shelf at the bottom.

"Then should I accompany you to get home?" the black-haired boy ask.

"No, It's okay... I told you my house is near this neighbourhood, it would be like 15 minutes walk I think? ..... Oh! I almost forgot about my school bag!" said (Y/N) as she rush to the door and open it but...


The thunder noise making the three of them flinch in shock. Amato went to the door, stood beside (Y/N) and looking outside.

It is raining.

"NOOO!! I WILL GET LECTURE FOR AN HOUR IF I GET HOME LATE!!!" (Y/N) scream and 'dramatically' fall on her knees.

"H-hey, y-you can stay here while.. w-waiting the rain.. to stop..." Amato said, sweatdropping while calming down the whining girl that sitting on the ground.



I think it was a little short--
My ideas running out from my mind, huhu...

I am also sorry for late update, there are a lot of interesting story in this wattpad until I forgot to continue my own (。•́︿•̀。)

Anyways, thanks for reading this story of mine, bye! :>

>1092 words

「SAVE YOU」•Mechamato || Reader Insert•Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora