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Enzo still haven't woken up yet.

It's been about four week since the incident. While everyone seems to have moved on with their lives, I haven't.

Enzo went through another surgery, which was again successful. And now he no longer needs a tube to breath.

Lucas also came to visit bring beautiful pink tulips. Lucas looked tired, but he still had a smile on his face and tried to lighten the mood.

I'm happy to see Lucas visit, this was as hard for me as for him.

Lucas, Jennie and I would hang out regularly. But it normally ended up in them fighting. And almost getting us kicked out the restaurant for causing to much disturbance.

I'm glad seeing all of them heal slowly.

Jennie and I have also gotten to know Autumn to. When's she's not being an assistant to Ezra we would drag her out to have lunch with us.

She's sweet and shy just like the first time I met her. It was also nice having someone else there. I can tell Jennie likes her to.

Autumn was nervous about meeting with Jennie but I'm glad they all got along really well.

Ezra told me that Autumn has also stoped making mistakes and is trying to stay organised. Which I'm happy for her.

Overall everything has been going well, essential with the help of Ezra and Arthur the American mafia is ready for a new boss.

The process took forever and it was a pain in the ass. Who knew you had to change over every little thing.

Ezra made sure everything was covered and nothing was hidden behind my back. Ezra would notice if something was hidden away from me.

Frankly I'm not surprised they tried hiding shit behind my back to take for themselves. The American mafia don't have a good history of being truthful.

The American mafia was corrupt and on the verge of crumbling. Not to mention how dirty the business was. Illegal sex trafficking and other ugly crimes. I was disgusted as I read pages and pages of this.

The mafia only became this dirty when Conner became boss.

I promise to myself I'll burn those houses down immediately. And, kill everyone involved.

I don't care, if I'll kill half of my men, they deserve it. I know nothing i can do will make those girls forget what happened to them. All I can do is make sure none of this ever happens again.

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