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I have decided to post more :) you're welcome.

Getting a bullet out hurts like a bitch

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Getting a bullet out hurts like a bitch. Jennie was holding my hand as the doctor tries to find the bullet.

It didn't take him long to find it and eventually pull it out. But fuck I forgot how painful that shit can be.

The nurse gave me some clean hospital clothes and let me shower in the bathroom.

When I locked the bathroom door and striped of my clothes I couldn't help but scrunch my nose is disgust.

My dress smelled strong of blood and dirt. You should barely tell this used to be white.

I walked into the steaming hot water my body relaxing to the heat. It took me a while to wash all the dried up blood and dirty off me.

When I finished showering and getting dressed I walked back to where everyone was.

No one has left the outside of his room for hours.

Jennie has her head on my lap, she fell asleep not to long ago. Lucas was drinking, ignoring the nurses telling him he couldn't drink in the hospital.

Ezra sat quietly waiting to see if his son will make it out alive.

I was stroking Jennie's hair as I wait quietly for someone to give some type of update. I couldn't help but feel nervous seeing nurses and doctors rush in and out of the room.

No one was telling us anything, we waited hours and hours yet nothing.

Ezra told me many times to go to sleep after the night I had. But I couldn't no matter how much I tried.

My body was sore and tired but I needed to know if Enzo was alive, he has to be.

After a few more hour's of waiting my anxiety was eating me alive. No matter how much water or food I was offered I couldn't digested anything.

Finally after so long a doctor walked out.

"Lorenzo Romano." He says with his clipboard in his hand.

I quickly wake Jennie up who was confused for a second, but when she saw the doctor she got up immediately.

We all huddle near the doctor waiting to hear the news. News I'm praying is good.

"The surgery was successful, he's alive." The doctor starts off.

When those words left the doctor I was filled with relief. I have never been so over joyed with such good news.

"Is he awake?" Ezra asks, being the first to talk.

"No." He says making me feel nauseous.

"We can't tell for sure when he'll awake up. He had a lot of internal bleeding, he could have easily bleed to death. His body went past it's limit, so it may take a while for him to awake up."

"It's may take days, week or even months."

"But on another note, he's blood pressure isn't calming down, no matter how much we try. The best we can do is always have him supervised, and try to calm it as best as we can. We're hoping that after a few days he's blood pressure will stable."

"This can be very dangerous. It could lead to heart disease, stoke and even death." The doctor says looking at his clipboard.

I could feel my eyes fill up with tears. My legs start to buckle and I would have hit the floor if it wasn't for Jennie and Ezra who grabbed ahold of me.

I'm filled with relief that Enzo is still alive but his blood pressure may not settle down makes me sick to my stomach.

The doctor kept talking, but after a while I tuned out.

"You all are allowed to visit him, but please keep the visitors to a limit. Beside that, that's all I have to say. Do you have any questions?"

"No thank you." Ezra says, giving the doctor a firm handshake.

Once the doctor leave we all walk into Enzo's room.

I let out a small sob, seeing all the machines and IV bags attached to him. He also had a tube down his throat, his only source of oxygen.

Ezra pulls me in a hug, as I started to cry lightly. I have cried so much that I didn't think I could cry anymore. But I was proved wrong.

"He's gonna be alright." Ezra says, walking me over to a seat next to Enzo's bed.

I gently grab onto Enzo's hand, he's hand still lack his normal heat, but I'm glad to feel some warmth in his hand.

"Fucking hell," Lucas says before walking out.

I was about to go out and talk to him but Ezra stops me.

"I'll go talk to him," Ezra says before walking out.

I can't imagine the pain Lucas must feel seeing Enzo like this. They treat each other and act like brothers.

If something is wrong with one of them the other will know. They can't hide anything from one another.

It's like a bond I have with Jennie. I don't think I could see her get shot and be in the same situation as Enzo.

I love Enzo but Jennie is my sister.

"I'm gonna get some food, would you like some?" She ask.

I know she isn't hungry, she just wants to give me some privacy which I do appreciate.

"No." I shake my head.

Jennie nods and walks out the door only leaving me and Enzo alone.

I sigh, i squeeze Enzo's hand lightly. "Please wake up." I start off.

"Please come back to me." I say kissing his hand.

"I love you." I whisper.

I lay my head down on the bed next to him, not wanting to leave his side anymore.

It didn't take long for sleep to finally consume me. I was so exhausted with the events of the last two days.

And finally seeing Enzo and knowing he's alive makes me calmer then I was hours ago.

All I can hope is that he wakes up quickly.



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A/N - Hello everyone

Chapter 65 done

Sorry for the short chapter but don't sue me the dudes alive :)

Don't forget to vote and comment

Anyways see you next time


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