Chapter 16: Evelyn

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Loki just sat in silence for a while. "I'll give you some time to think." Loki said. "You are a shapeshifter, so you could have changed your lower half." Möbius said. "Ding. You won the grand prize." Loki said. "You much magic did that take?" Möbius asked. "Most of it. That's why I still look awful." Loki said. "It usually is back by now." He said as he ran a hand down his face. "I still can't believe that the only way we could have been together was by you giving birth. "I cannot help when this child chose to arrive for millionth time. I didn't force it or anything. It just happened." Loki said. "I know, sweetheart. I know it did. I'm shocked that you didn't have a full on mental breakdown before giving birth." Möbius said. "My past lives were flashing before my eyes, it hurt so bad." Loki said. "The main reason I was shaking was, I kept thinking I was going to scream." Loki said. "I screamed at the end, but that one I couldn't hold back." He added. "You should have and woke up everyone in the castle. Made everyone know that the prince was in labor." Möbius said. "I think they knew. The sounds that came out of me were unheard of. "It took everything I had just to wake you up." Loki said as he held her. "I saw you and you looked frustrated." Möbius said. "She would have came on the floor if you hadn't got them. The contractions were right on top of each other." Loki said. "I was fast asleep and then those started. I knew I hardly had any time left, and I was hoping that she would come by 2, due to our bet." Loki said. "She didn't though, so you know what you promised." Möbius said. "I do know." Loki said as he kissed him. They held the baby together. "It's still on Saturday." Loki said. "Yes. The Queen is going to hold her during the ceremony." Möbius said. "You mean, my mother has already offered." Loki said as he leaned against Möbius. "Yes." Möbius said. "You look exhausted." Möbius said. "I can't sleep here. I would much rather be in our room." Loki said. The nurses checked them and Mobius wheeled Loki's wheelchair into his room and they laid together. Möbius put her in the bassinet. "Just rest, sweetheart." He told him as he watched him fall asleep. Möbius stood up and bottle fed her as Loki slept. He changed her and she fell asleep. Möbius laid down next to Loki who was already snoring. He kissed his forehead, and continued watching the baby. He began reading a book, and fed her several times. Frigga walked in and took her for a bit to let the two of them be alone. "Loki?" Möbius said softly. "Hmm?" Loki said as he sat up. "You've been asleep for quite a while." Möbius said. "Where's Evelyn?" Loki said as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Frigga has her. She's trying to get her comfortable around her. She's already clingy to you, Loki." Möbius said. "I carried her for nine months, mind you." Loki replied. "I'm taking a shower. Tell me if you need something." Loki said. Frigga walked in and heard the shower water running. "She won't stop crying." Frigga said. She heard the shower water turn off and he ran out only covered by a towel. He sat down on the bed and comforted her. "It's alright, sweetheart." Loki said. "I'm right here. She isn't going to hurt you. She just wanted to hold you." Loki said as Mobius wrapped a robe around him. Evelyn calmed down and they put her back in the bassinet. Loki got dressed and got back in bed with Möbius. "I can see you are bleeding." Möbius said. "That's true." Loki said. Möbius just sighed, "Motherly intuition huh." Loki just chuckled. "If one of the buffons as much as lays a hand on her, they are dead." Loki said. Möbius just sighed and watched them sleep. She hardly woke up, it's like she could sense his aura or something. "She more than likely has magic." Loki said in his head. "Remember I can hear your thoughts." He said aloud. His eyes flew open. "Möbius, my love." Loki said. "Why are you so worried? I am perfectly fine." He added. "Just lay with me, and it will be fine." Loki said. Möbius leaned against his fiancés chest. "How are you so calm right now? You literally just gave birth to a child." Möbius said. "You are going to wake her." Loki said. Loki just closed his eyes again as Mobius felt his breathing slow. He heard her crying after like an hour and moved Loki onto a pillow and got her bottle and heated it up before feeding her. Möbius carried her around and showed her different things until she fell asleep in his arms. Loki was up by this point. Frigga was sitting by him. "You look terrible." She said. Loki just sighed, "I can't sleep, and every part of my body hurts. I want to spend time with her. I am a horrible mother." Loki said. "You've shown me that you are not. You are putting her before yourself." Frigga said. Möbius walked back in and he held her and Loki changed her and sat with her. He used his magic to play with her. She put her finger against his and caused him to pass out. "Doctor, now." Frigga said. Möbius put her in the bassinet and carried his fiancé to the healers. "Your husband is in critical condition. He needs to revert to his true form to raise her." Laura told him. Möbius just looked at his sleeping husband who he knew would raise a fit about all of this. "Is there any way to wake him?" Möbius said. "She put him in a temporary sleeping state. It should wear off in a couple hours." Laura said. "I would just let him sleep, because he looks like he needs it." Laura added. Frigga and Möbius walked back to the room and held Evelyn who was giggling. "So you did something to momma?" Möbius said. "I'm very proud of you." Möbius said. "Momma needed the rest. He needed it didn't he." Möbius said as she kept giggling. Möbius smiled and held her against his chest. "I love you so much Evelyn." He said. Evelyn just smiled at him. After about four days, Loki woke up. "Möbius?" Loki said as he woke up in the healing room. "Hey, baby." Möbius said. "The wedding was postponed wasn't it." Loki said. "It was." Möbius said as he squeezed his hand. Möbius kissed his forehead. "It's alright, sweetheart." He said. "How is Evelyn?" Loki said. "Evelyn is doing well." Möbius said. Loki just nodded as Mobius got him up. Loki looked at his hand and sighed. "Why am I blue?" Loki said. "Because.. Evelyn, has to see you in your true form. She will not breastfeed unless you are in your true form." Möbius said. Loki sighed and stood up and held Evelyn. "Hey, baby." Loki said as she latched on. Möbius just looked into his red eyes and sighed. "I love you, Lokes." Möbius said as he wrapped his arms around him.

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