Chapter 12: Jelly Donuts

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Möbius was woke up by the sound of Loki puking for what felt like hours. He found him on the floor in front of a trashcan violently throwing up. "Oh, honey." Möbius said. Loki sent a burst of magic his direction. "Go away." He said in between heaving breaths. Möbius sighed and wrapped his arms around him. "I don't want you to see me like this." Loki said in his head. "Sweetheart." Möbius said aloud. "This just makes you even more beautiful. You have our little princess inside of you." Möbius added. Loki groaned and wiped off his mouth. "Your little princess, wants jelly donuts." Loki said. "You have to be joking." Möbius said. "I'm the pregnant one, Mobius. I never joke." He said. "Would you settle for something like a crepe or something I can make here?" Möbius said. "Sure. Absolutely." Loki said. Mobius went to the kitchen and made crepes and pancakes as Frigga walked in. "Craving?" She asked. "Yeah. He wanted jelly donuts but I can't leave so I made the next best thing." Möbius said. "I can get them." Frigga said. After about an hour, Loki had fell back asleep and he was woken up by Mobius. "I brought you something." He said. Loki sat up and looked at him. "You didn't." He said. "For my love. I will do anything." Möbius said. Loki smiled at him as he set the box of donuts on the bed. They looked out the window together as Loki ate one of the donuts. "You have some frosting." Möbius pointed. "Where?" Loki said as he used a napkin to try to get it off. "Let me get it for you." Möbius said as he leaned in and got it off. He kissed him only to be pinned down to the bed. "Loki, no." Möbius said as Loki let go of him. Loki groaned and grabbed another one before leaning against Mobius' chest. "Are you happy?" Möbius said. "The baby is happy, so I am happy." Loki said. Möbius felt Loki's stomach growling and looked at Loki. "Is that you?" He said. Loki just nodded. "Im hungry, babe. Like really hungry." Loki said. "Im not going to judge you, so I don't know why you are holding yourself back." Möbius said. "Alright then." Loki said. They sat together as he finished the last one. "How many was that?" Loki said. "You just ate six donuts babe." Möbius said. Loki just chuckled. "Thank you for listening to my craziness." Loki said. They laid together until evening. "Möbius?" Loki said. "Yes, my love." Möbius said. "Are you hungry?" Möbius asked. "Mhmm." Loki replied. "Do you want some dinner?" Möbius asked. "That's a dumb question but yes." Loki said. "What does thou desire?" Möbius said as he chuckled. Loki cackled at the comment. "You never answered the question, sweetheart." Möbius said. "Ravioli." Loki said softly. "You want Italian food tonight, interesting choice. Coming right up." Möbius said. Frigga was already in the kitchen cooking when Möbius came in. "How is he?" Frigga said. "Needy." Möbius replied. He began cooking and did dishes before taking the dinner to his partner. "Hey." Möbius said as he walked in. "Babe?" Möbius said. "I'm awake." Loki said groggily. He ate his dinner and took his plate back to the kitchen before crawling in bed with him. It would be a while after all.

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